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It was morning and I was walking Neo to the ice cream place that she'll be working at.

I looked at the clothes she was wearing. hopefully, they will give her a uniform. While it doesn't really matter, I'm sure they don't want a girl serving customers in frayed clothes.

We walked close together as the streets were relatively busy.

Eventually, we reached the place

Neo turned to me as she placed her hand over her mouth.

I looked into her mind as I started reading

Have a good day! I hope you find a job!

She smiles as I nod

"Thank you, have a good day too, stay safe," I say as I turn away from her.

I wandered the streets as I desperately looked for a way to earn money.

I came across multiple jobs like construction, mechanics, etc. But none of them were willing to hire a kid.

It was getting dark out as I approached a shady construction project on the edge of town.

I approached a Fanus as he turned to look at me.

"Hey kid, what are you doing here?" He asks

"Hey, I was wondering if I could work here," I ask as he looks a little shocked at first

"Maybe, we are short-handed, I'll check and see with the boss," he says as I nod. He disappears as I wait patiently.

Finally, after 10 minutes, he returned

"Come back here tomorrow morning, we will put you to work," he says as I smile

Thanks!" I say as he nods

"Yea no worries," he says as I look into the eyes

This kid has a long day tomorrow.

That sounds legit. I turn around and start heading back to the abandoned house.

I looked around to see if Neo was here, but she wasn't.

I left the house once again as I walked to the ice-cream place.

Neo was still working scooping ice creams with other employees. I guess she isn't done yet

I find the nearest bench as I sat down and waited.

Eventually business died down and the shop closed.

Neo saw me as she left the place. As she walked to me she held her hand against her mouth

"How was your day!" her mind says as I felt a hue of tiredness

"I found a job on the other side of the city," I say as she smiles

That's great!

"Yea, come on, let's go home, you must be tired," I say as she nods and we start walking back.

When we reached the place, I felt my stomach grumble as I remember I haven't eaten in a few days

"Are you hungry?" I ask as she nods

I have some money from work today, should we buy something?

"Yea, the last thing we want is to starve," I say as she nods

We head to a store and purchased some ready-to-eat meals.

As I bought the items I looked at the woman working the till

Such young kids, they look terrible, probably got kicked out of their house because they were misbehaving

I ignored her thoughts as I left the store

We returned home before we started eating. And once we started we couldn't stop. The food itself wasn't that great, but rather we were just really hungry.

Neo blushed as she consumed the food.

When we finished, it felt like we needed more.

"Tomorrow you can probably buy some lunch for yourself," I say as she nods

Do you want me to buy you something?

"No it's fine, focus on yourself," I say

But what about you?

"Trust me, I'll be fine," I say as she nods

"It's getting dark out, we should sleep," I tell her as she crawls over to me so I can lay my coat over us.

We snuggled throughout the night. It colder than the past two nights and the only way to stay warm was to cling on to each other

I could feel her hot breath against my shirt as I hold her close.

Eventually, exhaustion overtook my need for warmth and I fell asleep.

The Next day

"Have a good day," I say to Neo as we part ways to our jobs.

I went to the shady construction job as I started working. The crew handed me all the tools needed and sent me on my way...literally. Thankfully I didn't do much building, I was mainly a gofer. Fetching materials from across the site

I'm not sure what they are building, but it's definitely for a shady group. A group that doesn't want to be seen that's for sure.

Running back and forth with materials took a toll on my muscles. By the end of the day, I was pretty much collapsing from exhaustion.

"You did good kid, I don't usually give out pay on the first day of working, but you look like you need it," he says as I nod

"Thank you," I say as I leave

The trip back home today was much longer than yesterday. I'm not sure if it's because I'm tired or my sense of time was extended. Either way, it felt like forever.

When I got home Neo was already eating things.

When she saw me she picked up another pack of food and handed it to me.

"Thank you," I say as I sit down and eat. I didn't notice that she had her hand covering her mouth until after I was finished eating.

I looked into her multi-coloured eyes.

How was your day! You look exhausted!

"It wasn't bad, and yea, I'm pretty tired," I say as she smiles as she pats her lap excited

You need sleep! Here, use me as a pillow!

I looked at her unsure, but I eventually cave in and followed her plan

Her lap was soft and warm. It didn't take long for me to pass out.

In my sleep, I heard a beautiful and brilliant hum in my dreams. It made me sleep peacefully, that night's sleep was probably the best I've ever had

Mind Reader (Neo X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now