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Beacon has been fairly good to me. We get free food, free living space...well I guess it wouldn't be free if you paid tuition. But you get the point.

Ozpin has made it a chore for me to practice my semblance. Now I can retain information from other people without it turning my head inside out.

The first few times made me feel like I was gonna pass out. But as I did it more, it slowly got less and less painful.

I've been doing..,experiments to see the limits of my newly found ability. Everytime I use it, I get more and more fatigued, and also when retaining large chucks of info, that also will put me to sleep.

Despite having access to literally large amounts of knowledge...that doesn't make me a better fighter.

One of the big disadvantages of "copying" other people's moves is actually my body

When I copy someone's techniques, I copy it in a way that they use it. So for example, if someone can punch really hard. I can replicate the technique used, but I don't get the same result. My body is different then theirs so sometimes things don't translate very well.

And here I the practice area...probably about to get my ass kicked.

Cardin was a big guy, perfect for a bully if you ask me. He held a giant mace in his hands as I look at my rather small Sword in comparison.

He cracks his knuckles as he walks up to me

"This will be easy," he says as I smile most likely will.

Miss Goodwitch suddenly says match start and he starts charging me

I look into his eyes

Go for the legs, bash him when he starts falling

Sure enough, he tries to sweep my legs out from under me. But I jump as I see his attack coming.

I was in mid air when I saw his expression of surprise.

"You forgot who your dealing with," I say quickly as I slash him with my sword.

His aura took the brunt of the attack...and it also stopped my sword it its tracks.

Cardin took this chance to grab my arm and toss me across the area. I landed with a heavy thud! I wind myself.

With the wind knocked out of me, I struggled to get up

"Man, your weak," he taunts me as he closes the distance. I know I'm weak, I don't need a reminder from you of all people.

"Your always hanging out with Neo...she deserves better. Perhaps she'll come to her senses and invite me to her room once," he says with a wicked smirk.

Man. I don't know what I'd do with her if that happened...maybe I would make him watch. make him suffer as he watches

"I know what your thinking," I say as I finally stand up

"Whatever, won't change anything," he says

Ok, let's provoke him. Make him attack me and then I'll end him.

I stayed silent as he waited for me...of course I didn't cave in to his temptations.

Screw it, I'll aim high and hope I hit

He charges me as I duck low as he swings his mace down, I crouch and rush his stomach as my blade does a critical hit.

His Aura depleted to zero and I won.

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