Before the storm

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Oscar POV

I told you it wasn't a good idea

Shut up

This wouldn't be a issue if you just listened

Your the reason why she hates us

Ozpin goes silent as we walk

Indigo walked at the head of the group with Hazel.

Her indigo hair bounced in a hypnotizing fashion as we walk.

I like this girl...I don't know why

Maybe it's because of her looks...but I just love her detective side

"Hey," Carter says bringing my attention to him as he walks beside me.

"What's up?" I ask him

"Nothing, just wanted to formally meet you," he says

"My names Carter (L/N)," he starts off

"Oscar Pine," I tell him as he nods

"And Ozpin," he points out as I nod. He looks ahead at Indigo with a face filled with desire.

"You have a crush on her?" I ask as he looks at me and smiles.

"I'm surprised Ozpin hasn't told you," he says as I frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask him

Well...Indigo is....

"She's my wife from the future," he says as my world spins

"What do you mean?" I ask again as he laughs

"I mean, she's the wife of my future self," he says

"And?" I ask him a little defensively

He smiles a little before continuing.

"When I was trapped in Salems future self was already talking to me," he says looking at me

"My future self was never captured by Salem...he lived a normal life as a student at Beacon," he continues.

"I woulda gone insane if he didn't show me what his life was like. I woulda gone insane without him showing me her," he says gesturing to Indigo.

I told you, that it was more trouble then it was worth

"I'm not giving up on her," I tell him as he laughs

"Good, because even though my future self has those feelings...I have slightly different ones," he mutters as I raise my brow

"Even though I've had his voice in my head all my life...he seems like a different person. He often shows me memories of him and a mom and dad," he says looking at Indigo.

"But those feelings of romantic love aren't mine, you know? The only memories I have are of a basement," he says.

I look him over again. He does look a little lean. Not much muscle.

"Yeah...I know what it's like to have memories that aren't yours," I say thinking of Ozpin.

He smiled.

"I guess we are pretty similar then," he says as I nod

"Yeah...your a bit taller though," I say as he chuckles.

"Indigo liked shorter guys anyway,"


"So the plan is for you to capture me?" I ask Hazel as he shrugs.

"I don't like that idea...I think we should give him someone for back up," Mom says

"It's Ozpin's idea," Hazel says looking behind him at Oscar as he talks with Carter.

"I's a solid plan," indigo points out.

"You can't be serious," Neo says

"Salem is like the queen of the's gonna be hard to fight through them otherwise," Indigo reasons.

"Their must be a better way," Mom asks as Indigo shakes her head

"I don't think so...I have asked Hazel about the situation there and it's populated by Grimm...lots of Grimm," Indigo responds

"I'll be fine. All I need to do is give her the sense of love right? Then boom we win!" I say as Hazel sighs

"Your not even touching on the fact that it might not work," He points out.

"Maybe...but we are gonna try," i conclude.

" do you plan to transmit love back to Salem?" Ozpin says joining our conversation.

"I can transmit my memories of Neo," I say as Neo blushes.

"I'm not sure that reliving the life of someone else's love would help," Ozpin says as I look at him

"Your the one who suggested it," I say as he shrugs.

"Plus, can't Mom rewrite memories? Couldn't she just erase Salems past and then boom, problem solved," I say as Ozpin looks at Mom.

She looked conflicted.

"It's true, I could do that," she reasons but Ozpin continues.

"She's just been reunited with her two boys...there's a drawback to her semblance," Ozpin says

"What?" I ask as I look at her

"Whenever I change someone's past...the edited version goes into their mind...but the unedited one is fused into mine," she explains as Indigo nods

"So whenever you change someone's perspective of the past...some of their past goes into your mind...and since personalities are typically made based of personal change as a person," Indigo asks as Mom nods

"So, if she changes Salem's past...she basically becomes a new version of Salem?" I ask

"Yes...and that also brings the end of the world," Ozpin says remembering

"So you've tried it before?" I ask as he nods

"Yes...that was a decent run," he says like it was a video game.

" I your last idea?" I ask him as he nods

"I'm bone dry of ideas if this doesn't work...this one is by far the most changed," he reasons.

"What about David hiding her in his realm?" I ask Ozpin

"Wouldn't work," he says flatly

"Why not?" David asks

"Because Salem is immortal. She gets injured she heals right away...basically she has infinite mass...which is much heavier then you," he says as David nods

"You need to figure out a final plan soon...we are almost there," Hazel interrupts us.

Almost time for the final show down

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