Moving Up

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Both me and Neo added all of our money up from 2 weeks of work. At face value, I made more money than she did, but she also was able to receive tips so it balances out nicely.

Both of us have also been watching carefully where our money is going, most of it is food....actually all of it is. We still live in the abandoned house...but that's about to change

"This should be enough to rent a small room," I say smiling as her face just lights up.

Finally! No more long and cold nights!

Her face blushes as she thinks about it more

"Yea," I mutter smiling. Just seeing her face light up like that makes me happy

"Ok, let's do it," I say as she nods.

We travel to a place I found a week ago.

It was a small apartment, it only had 1 room, a bathroom and a kitchen, but that's more than enough. And the price was right too, we just needed extra money to actually start living here.

I handled the interactions with the spokesperson and after a while, we were left to our new home alone...only me and her

Neo naturally looked at everything with sparkles in her eyes

I'm so happy! Look there's a shower!

I laugh at her childlike behaviour....then I remember we are children.

I look in my wallet to see all the money we saved in two weeks gone. It was hard watching all that go away, but it was least we aren't trespassing anymore

Where is the bed?

"We need to buy our own," I say as she looks disappointed

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can afford one with a little saving," I say as she smiles again and gives me a thumbs up.

The first night was much better than what we're used to. Neo used my coat as a blanket, it was normal at this point. I laid beside her uncovered as I was too warm to snuggle with her.

I eventually fell asleep and the grind continued. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep.  It goes on and on.

"We should have enough for you," I say as Neo looks at me curiously.

What do you mean?

"Clothes, you can't be wearing rags all the time," I say as she looks down

It isn't that bad

"Bad enough," I say as I practically drag her out of the house

"To the store we go!" I announce as she tries to stay home

"We will also be getting a bed," I say as she starts going with the plan. We reach the clothing store as Neo looks through the clothing

"This looks cute," I say as I snag a pink umbrella. She looks at it for a bit before grabbing it

"You like it?" I ask her as she nods

"Ok, I'll pay then, after you grab some clothes of course," I say as I remind her to continue picking out outfits.

Once she was finished, I paid up and we returned to the house

She covered her mouth as we enter the house

The bed! You forgot the bed!

"No, we are going out again," I say as she nods...and we did.

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