My Seatmate

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After handing out papers to all of the students, the teacher stood up in front of the classroom.

"Please write your name on the line and put the club you want to be in below your name." The teacher said to her students.

Ryujin started tapping her head with her pen as she felt a little clueless. "Heejin, what club will you pick?" Ryujin whispered to the rabbit who is busy thinking.

Heejin let out a smile and started writing on her paper. "I'm just gonna pick arts club. You should pick it too. It sounds fun."

Ryujin let out a pout. "I'm not really into arts. How about you, Chaeryeong?"

Chaeryeong smiled at the short-haired girl and started flexing her muscles. "Sports club. Just pick something that suits you, Chief." Chaeryeong suggested.

"I'm not really skilled and intelligent."

Chaeryeong let out a disappointed look and started patting Ryujin's back. "Chief, don't say that to yourself. I'm sure you have a hidden talent." Chaeryeong said and leaned closer to Heejin. "What does my Chief do?" Chaeryeong whispered.

"She's into writing." Heejin answered to the curious girl.

Chaeryeong smiled and helped Ryujin sit with a good posture. "Pick writing club, Chief."

Ryujin let out a big smile. "Hey, I think that's a good idea." Ryujin said and wrote something down on her paper.

After a few seconds, Ryujin became a little curious with what the cat-eyed girl picked.

Ryujin leaned closer to Yeji. "Yeji, what club did you pick?" Ryujin whispered.

"Nothing. I'm not really interested in anything." Yeji answered in a dull tone.


"You're still not done with your love letter?" Heejin asked as she sat down with Chaeryeong.

Ryujin let out a pout and started playing with her plate of food. "Nope. I'm having second thoughts with this idea, Heejin. I don't think she'll accept my love letter." Ryujin said that made Chaeryeong a little confused.

Chaeryeong leaned closer to the short-haired girl. "Love letter? do you have a crush on someone, Chief?" Chaeryeong whispered.

Heejin let out a chuckle. "Yes, Chaeryeong. Your boss has an extreme obsession with Hwang Yeji." Heejin said and laughed at the pathetic look on Ryujin's face.

Chaeryeong's eyes widened a little bit. "Hwang Yeji? that girl? why and how?" Chaeryeong asked and chuckled as she couldn't believe it.

Ryujin rested her head on her hand. "She's the definition of perfect. Her smile is so divine, her eyes are so perfect, she's smart and the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on."

Chaeryeong shook her head in dismay as she couldn't handle Ryujin's cheesy words. "Chief, no offense, but I don't think you have a chance with her."

"I know that too, but I will never give up on her." Ryujin said and stood up from her seat. "I'm gonna walk around. I'll see you in class." Ryujin said to her friends and left while waving her hands.


"Writing a love letter is so old fashioned." Ryujin said to herself while walking and rereading her letter.

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