A Battle For Love

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"Congratulations, Class-1. You all passed the exam!" The teacher shouted in joy and all of her students started celebrating over the good news.

The teacher smiled and grabbed a piece of paper from her folder. "After that incident with Lia, we had a meeting yesterday about giving you guys a break from school!" The teacher and excitement is seen on her face.

A big smile formed on all of her students' faces as the thought of a weekday without school makes them excited.

"Tomorrow, we will go camping." The teacher said making all of her students shout in joy. "Just a peaceful camping. No rules whatsoever. You can sleep, roll on the grass, play sports, play on your phone, you are free to do anything. A reminder that 8:00 pm tomorrow, the staff will launch beautiful fireworks up to the sky!"

Yeji's eyes widened a little bit when she heard those words. 'I should watch the fireworks with Ryujin.' Yeji thought to herself. "Hey, Ry-"

"Chief, let's watch the fireworks together." Chaeryeong suggested and rested her head on her hand and patiently waited for a reply from the short-haired girl.

Ryujin let out a small smile. "O-of course, let's watch it with Heejin and Hyunjin." Ryujin suggested making Chaeryeong a little sad.

After a few seconds of battling with her thoughts, Yeji finally decided. "Shin Ryujin." Yeji boldly said.

Ryujin turned around and a smile formed on her pretty face. "What is it?"

Yeji let out a sharp exhale. "L-let's watch the fireworks together. Just the two of us."

Ryujin tried her best to avoid eye contact with the cat-eyed girl and started biting her lip as she tried to stop herself from blushing so hard. "Sure, I would love that." Ryujin happily agreed making the girl behind her jealous.


"Really, Unnie? Yeji Unnie asked you to watch the fireworks with her? that's the most romantic thing I have ever heard." Yuna whispered while walking with her sister.

Ryujin let out a big smile while thinking about romantic moves she can pull off tomorrow. "What should I do Yuna? should I slowly put my hand on top of her's as we gaze upon the sky? should I rest my head on her shoulder?" Ryujin whispered to her sister who is an expert with love and romantic things.

Yuna started tapping her chin with her index finger as she tried to think of something.

After a few seconds of thinking, a light bulb lit up above Yuna's head as she thought of the most romantic thing ever. "Kiss her, Unnie."

Ryujin raised her right eyebrow in disbelief. "Kiss her? no way. I don't even think she likes me, Yuna. You watch too much dramas, Yuna. I don't think I can kiss her." Ryujin whispred to her sister.

Behind the two sisters, a game of a deadly staring contest has commenced.

"Why are you looking me like that, Lee Chaeryeong?" Yeji asked the girl who is glaring at her.

Chaeryeong inhaled and exhaled as she gave Yeji a deadly look. "Why are you acting all sweet towards Ryujin? what happened to your cold and ruthless tone?"

Yeji stopped walking and chuckled at Chaeryeong. "Why do you care about that? you don't have feelings for Ryujin, right?" Yeji asked and crossed her arms.

"N-no... by the way, I asked her first about the fireworks thing and you decided to butt in. How about a fight? whoever wins will get to watch the fireworks with Ryujin." Chaeryeong suggested and crossed her arms.

Yeji started caressing the back of her head. "Seriously? a fight? that's so childish, Lee Chaeryeong." Yeji coldly said and continued walking.

"Are you scared?" Chaeryeong boldly asked making Yeji pause.

Yeji turned around and glared at Chaeryeong. "Alright then. Let's fight."


"What do you mean by fight? you're not gonna kill each other right?" Ryujin asked while giving her friends a concerned look as they walk inside the gymnasium.

Chaeryeong looked at Ryujin and smiled. "Don't worry, Ryu. Yeji and I are just gonna play a game of table tennis." Chaeryeong said and started preparing the table, rackets, and balls.

Yeji rolled up her sleeve and picked up a racket. 'I will win this for you.' Yeji thought to herself while looking at the short-haired girl.

Chaeryeong grabbed a racket and threw a ball to her opponent. "Hwang Yeji, you go first."

Yeji held the ball on her left hand and the racket on her right hand. "S-so how do I?" Yeji asked making Ryujin chuckle.

Ryujin laughed at the cat-eyed girl. "You don't know how to play, Yeji? you are so dead."

Chaeryeong let out a cocky smile. "Just hit the ball and make sure it hits your court and my court. That's how you serve."

"Alright." Yeji boldly said and tried to do a serve.

After successfully serving the ball, Yeji let out a smile, but the smile on her face immediately dissolved when Chaeryeong took a step backwards and aggressively hit the ball with full force.

Yeji's jaw dropped a little bit as she noticed a vast difference in their skill. "Alright, Lee Chaeryeong. Not bad." Yeji said and picked up the ball.


"The score is 0-6. You are so bad, Yeji." Ryujin mocked and laughed at the cat-eyed girl.

Yeji dropped her racket and crossed her arms. "Whatever!" Yeji whined like a child.

"I want to play. Teach me, Ryeongie." Ryujin said and ran towards the table and picked up Yeji's racket.

Chaeryeong let out a smile and picked up a ball and lightly threw it to the short-haired girl. "Serve, Ryujin."

Ryujin tightly held the racket. "Like this?" Ryujin did a serve, but she failed.

Chaeryeong picked up the ball and walked closer to the short-haired girl. "No, Ryujin. Like this." Chaeryeong said and held Ryujin's hand and did a serve.

Yeji, on the other hand, is glaring at the two with her ferocious and cat-like eyes.

Ryujin smiled at her friend as she successfully did a serve. "Wow, that's so cool!"

"Alright. That's enough. Let's go home now." Yeji said and walked closer to Ryujin.

"I can't wait to watch the fireworks with you, Hwang Yeji." Ryujin said making Chaeryeong jealous.

Yeji leaned closer to Chaeryeong. "I may have lost but, I still won." Yeji whispered and grabbed Ryujin by the collar and walked away.

"B-bye, Lee Chaeryeong. See you tomorrow!"

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