Just Let Loose

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"Unnie, wake up!" Yuna yelled while slapping her sleeping sister.

Ryujin slowly opened her eyes. "Good morning." Ryujin weakly greeted her sister and held her cheek as she felt the stinging pain.

Yuna stood up and let out a sigh. "It's already 6. You should eat and get dressed." Yuna said and left Ryujin's room.

Ryujin let out a chuckle while resting her head on her pillow. 'Chaeryeong is so cool.' Ryujin thought to herself and started stretching her limbs.


"Unnie, should we go together?" Yuna asked while looking at her big sister.

Ryujin looked at her neighbour's house. "Yeji is still not awake?" Ryujin whispered.

Yuna chuckled at the short-haired girl. "Yeji Unnie left hours ago."

Ryujin's eyes widened a little bit. "The hell? why?"

"I don't know. Mom said that she's not in a good mood."

Ryujin let out a confused face. "Why?"

"Mom is really good at reading facial expressions. She said that Yeji Unnie had a jealous look on her face." Yuna said and walked away from her sister.

Ryujin started tapping her chin with her index finger. "Jealous? why?" Ryujin asked herself and kept on thinking.

After a few seconds of thinking, Ryujin gave up. "Yuna, wait up!"


The teacher entered the classroom and placed his things on the table. "Today, we are going to have the elections. We need a president and a vice president." The teacher said and started writing something on the board. "First, let's focus on the president."

A few students raised their hand as they want to be the president and the person who'll take care of the class.

The teacher started counting the students who volunteered. "Chuu, Lia, Yeonjun. Only three?" The teacher asked with a disappointed look on his face.

Ryujin looked at her seatmate. "Hey, Hyunjin. You should volunteer."


While the rabbit behind them is glaring at them. "Shin Ryujin, what are you saying to my love?" Heejin whispered.

Ryujin let out a sigh. "Nothing."

The teacher crossed his arms while waiting for another volunteer. "Hwang Yeji." The man said that caught the cat-eyed girl's attention.

Yeji stood up. "What is it, sir?"

"Ms. Kim is looking for you."

"Okay." Yeji said and walked away from her seat and left the classroom.

The teacher clicked his tongue out of disappointment. "Alright, let's start the election. I hope to see more volunteers in the vice president."


"Alright. Choi Yeonjun is your class president." The teacher said and gave Yeonjun a round of applause.

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