Carrying A Burden

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"H-hwang Yeji, did you have fun the other day?" Ryujin shyly asked while walking to school with the cat-eyed girl.

A big smile formed on Yeji's face as she gazed upon Ryujin's glowing eyes. "Yes, Shin Ryujin. It's been a long time since I last had fun."

"Really? that's good to hear." Ryujin said and let out a cute sneeze as she felt a little cold. "You know, Hwang Yeji. You shouldn't be too hard on yourself. You should learn how to have fun and let loose."

"Alright, Shin Ryujin." Yeji said and took off her scarf. "Anyways, you look extremely cold today. Here." Yeji said and wrapped her scarf around Ryujin's freezing neck.

Ryujin hid the bottom half of her face under her scarf to hide her blushing face. "H-hwang Yeji, why are you so nice to me?"

Ryujin's question caught the cat-eyed girl off guard. It is a question that Yeji, an intelligent person, cannot answer.

After a few seconds of silence, Yeji kept on asking herself. 'Why am I so nice to you?' Yeji thought to herself and stopped walking.

Yeji inhaled and exhaled as she tried to manage her breathing. "You don't want me to act nice towards you?"

Ryujin weakly chuckled at Yeji. "N-no, Hwang Yeji. It's just that, you're usually cold towards me. Why did you agree to my concert invitation and gave me your scarf?" Ryujin asked out of curiosity.

"Because I like you."

Ryujin's eyes widened a little bit at what the cat-eyed girl said. "W-wha-"

"Chief!" A girl shouted while biking towards the two.

Ryujin looked behind her and a giant smile formed on her face as she met eyes with her athletic friend. "Lee Chaeryeong!"

Chaeryeong drifted and stopped in front of the two. "Ryujin, hop on. I'll take you to school." Chaeryeong said while throwing glances at Yeji.

Out of annoyance, Yeji rolled her eyes and placed her hands in her pocket and continued walking.

Ryujin let out a confused face at the cat-eyed girl. "Lee Chaeryeong, I want to walk with Yeji. I'm sorry." Ryujin said and skipped her way to Yeji.

A sad look formed on Chaeryeong's face. "Wait." Chaeryeong weakly said and biked towards the two.

"Lee Chaeryeong, I'm sorry for ignoring you yesterday. I was busy with something." Ryujin apologized to her friend.

Chaeryeong smiled at the short-haired girl. "That's okay, Chief. By the way, we still have time before classes start. Do you want to-" Chaeryeong was cut off when Yeji finally decided to step out of her silence box and talk.

"I'm sorry. Ryujin and I have to study today." Yeji said while looking at Chaeryeong.

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes. "Imagine studying." Chaeryeong scoffed.

Ryujin noticed that the two are throwing glances at each other. "I-I'm sorry, Ryeongie. Yeji is right. We have to study for the exam later."

Chaeryeong slowly faced the floor with sadness. "Alright, Chief. I have to go training now." Chaeryeong said in a dull tone and started biking.

Ryujin waved her hand at her friend. "Alright, Ryeongie! see you later!"


"Jeez, Shin Ryujin. This is an easy science question. Why can't you answer it?" Yeji asked in a frustrated tone.

Ryujin started hitting herself with her pen. "I'm sorry, Yeji. I'm really stupid."

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