A Proposal

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*Knock knock*

Yeji checked her watch as she patiently waited for someone to open the door.

'I miss you, Shin Ryujin.' Yeji thought to herself while trying to contain her tears.

After minutes of thinking about a good and convincing apology, the door slowly opened and it revealed the short-haired girl's mother.

The woman let out a confused expression while looking at Yeji. "H-,hwang Yeji, what are you doing here?" The woman asked and crossed her arms.

Yeji smiled and looked at the woman. "Is Shin Ryujin inside? I want to speak to her, in private."

"Ryujin is not here. A beautiful girl picked her up earlier." The woman said and weakly smiled at Yeji.

Yeji's eyes widened as she heard those words. 'Damn it, Lee Chaeryeong.' Yeji thought to herself and clenched her fists.

After seconds of thinking, a light bulb appeared above Yeji's head as she thought of a brilliant idea so she can win Ryujin's heart once again.

"C-can I go to Ryujin's room?" Yeji politely asked the woman.

The woman raised her right and eyebrow while staring at Yeji's eyes. "What are you gonna do in my daughter's room?"

Yeji started looking around while scratching the back of her head as she desperately tried to think of a good excuse. "I-I left my stuff with Ryujin." Yeji said and hoped that her excuse worked.

The woman let out a small smile and went out of the way so Yeji can enter their house. "Make it quick, Hwang Yeji."

A big smiled formed on Yeji's face. "Thank you." Yeji said and gave the woman a bow and went upstairs to get something from Ryujin's room.

As Yeji arrived to Ryujin's room, she slowly opened the door.

Yeji's eyes widened a little bit when she saw pictures of them together scattered around. It was utter mess.

'Jeez, Ryujin is really mad at me.' Yeji thought to herself and let out a sad face as she faced the floor.

Yeji started exploring Ryujin's big room to find something that Ryujin told her about years ago.

'Where the hell is it?' Yeji thought to herself while checking every corner of the house.

Yeji checked Ryujin's closet, desk, trash can, and the mini fridge in her room, but the object that Yeji is trying to find is nowhere to be found.

Out of desperation, the clueless cat-eyed girl looked under Ryujin's bed and started hoping that luck is on her side.

Yeji's eyes widened and a big smile formed on her face. "Finally." Yeji said to herself amd grabbed the piece of envelope under Ryujin's bed.

Yeji stood up and checked what's inside the envelope. 'I found it. Ryujin wrote all of these, but she can't publish it on her own because it's expensive.' Yeji thought to herself.


"Goodmorning. My name is Hwang Yeji. I am a doctor at YZTI Hospital." Yeji introduced herself and took out her hand for the man to shake.

The man happily shook Yeji's hand and smiled. "Sit down please." The man said and sat down on his chair. "What can I do for you?"

Yeji placed the envelope on the man's desk. "C-can you check that out for me? it's a draft made by someone I know."

The man picked up the envelope and started reading what's inside of it. After minutes of reading, his eyes widened a little bit. "This has potential. Are you selling it to someone?"

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