Think About What You Say, Dumbnut

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song: game of survival by ruelle

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

song: game of survival by ruelle

The world blurs as I open my eyes. I cringe as a pounding spreads throughout my head.

"Hey." A voice says from my left. I open my eyes and frown.

"Elliot?" I rasp. "How did you get sick?" I ask, trying to get my voice to stop cracking.

"Doesn't matter." He murmurs, reaching over and moving a piece of sweat-soaked hair from my temple. "All that matters is that you get better."

I begin to shake my head as he reaches for the water. "Other people need it more, Elliot." I refute him pitifully.

He humourlessly shakes his head, "Always so selfless." He lightly smiles as he brings the water to my lips.

After I down the entire cup, much to my dismay, I look around the room. Blood is splattered across every surface and wheezing is the only coherent sound throughout the dropship.

"If you're looking for Bellamy, I can go get him," Elliot says, bringing my attention back to him.

"What?" I ask, confused as to why I would need him.

"You looked..." He trails off, "Solemn." He finishes.

My eyebrows raise slightly. "Solemn?" I ask with an edge to my voice. "Why would I be solemn that Bellamy wasn't here?"

"I...I just thought that you'd want to see him when you woke up." He trails off, scratching at the dried blood on his cheek.

My eyebrows furrow as my thoughts run wild. Bellamy isn't anything but a friend of mine.

But, even as I say it in my mind, my heart clouds with guilt as my eye unconsciously twitches.


I wake up to a commotion outside. I glance down at Elliot's head in my lap. We must've fallen asleep. Without missing a beat, I lay Elliot's head on my jacket and I walk outside.

The sight I'm met with is at least 4 people vomiting in the clearing. Bellamy is trying to control it, but he's not being very successful. Clarke turns around and sees me. Her expression clouds over with something dark. Regret.

My eyes narrow, but I don't address it as I grab Bellamy's handgun from my waist. I fire a shot into the air, effectively getting everyone's attention.

"Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once," I say into the clearing. "Quit acting like the children the people on the ark think you to be; that the grounders think you to be." I meet Bellamy's eyes across the clearing and I muster up a pitiful smile. He lightly smiles back.

"She's right!" He yells after me. "This is exactly what the grounder's want: disorder and chaos."

I nod, agreeing with him, I take a couple of steps forward, still careful to stay away from the group. "We need to quarantine, not kill," I say, nodding at a kid's gun. "You," I say. "You think I'm wrong?" I ask as a wave of nausea hits me. I sway slightly, but I adjust my footing.

"Yeah." He says, bringing the gun level with my face. "I think you're a stuck up bitch who thinks that she can order us all around just because she's Kane's daughter."

In a flash, Bellamy is on top of him, throwing punch after punch. "What did you just call her?" He yells, throwing a hard fist into his nose.

"Nothing, man!" He yells, trying to shove him off.

"Yeah! Better be nothing." He mutters, getting off of him. His gaze finds my blurred one and suddenly his face splits into two and I feel like I'm falling.

"Hailey!" I hear him yell. I try to shove him off, but he catches me. "You're okay." He murmurs, moving the hair out of my face.

I shake my head and try to push him away. "Get away," I murmur.

"Damn, Hails." I hear him chuckle, but it's far away. "I thought we had something special."

"That ended when you called me a dumbnut," I murmur with a dreamy smile on my face.

I hear him chuckle. "If I say that I'm sorry will we become best friends?" I hear him ask and my heart aches. I furrow my brows at the feeling.

"Do you know the feeling when..." I trail off, trying to think in my sleepy and drowsy state. "When your heart is being stabbed with a white-hot metal pitchfork?" I ask him as he carries me into the dropship.

"I probably do." He whispers as he lays me down onto a hammock. "Can you describe it to me?" He breaths out as he grazes my jaw with his hand.

I shut my eyes to stop myself from meeting his, afraid that I'll spill my feels that even I haven't figured out yet. "Maybe one day, Bell," I murmur before falling asleep to his breath fanning across my face.

I completely forgot that i already had this written and just hadn't edited it yet, but here you go <3
I have finals this week so cross your fingers i don't fail
Anyway, after this week i have summer, so i'm going to try and upload weekly, but that may not happen
i love you all, please eat and drink something

Green |  Bellamy Blakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن