Maybe I'm the Hero and You're the Villan

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song: runaway by aurora

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song: runaway by aurora

Everyone's eyes are on me as I push the button on the side of the walkie. My pulse thunders in my ears. If I mess this up, Bellamy will die.

"Murphy," I state into the walkie before continuing. "We need to talk."

No one makes a sound, awaiting his response. I feel a hand grasp mine and I immediately squeeze, needing the comfort. I glance up and find Elliot nodding encouragingly.

"So, talk." A voice finally comes through the walkie.

"No. Let Bellamy go and then we'll talk." I answer immediately, shaking my head. I take my hand from Elliots and begin to mess with my necklace in a fit of worry.

I hear what sounds like a chuckle from the other end. "You know me better than that, Hails." He pouts. "I'm not going to let him go on an empty promise of just to talk. That's not what I want." He says.

I lick my lips, swallowing my fear for Bellamy. "What do you want?" I ask, staring at the dropship.

Not a second is wasted. "Bellamy's head on a stick."

I drop my gaze to the floor as a heavy gasp escapes my nose. My gaze finds Octavia and her's is a mirror of mine. Terrified.

"You know I can't do that, Murph," I answer.

Another chuckle. "Then, we have a problem."

I chew on my lip, debating on what to say next. Then, an idea hits me. I look over at Elliot and I don't even get a word out.

"No, Hailey." He begins to shake his head. "Don't do this. Do not go in there with him. You don't know what he's capable of." He grabs my shoulders as if to shake some sense into me.

I pull myself out of his grip. "I've known him almost my entire life. He's gonna hurt me. He's not going to do that." I clench my jaw. "And if he does, I'll handle it."

He holds my gaze for a second before sighing. "Okay, but, the first sign of danger, you find a knife." He pleads. "Something. Don't go in there unarmed."

I nod before grabbing the walkie. "Let's talk Murphy. Face to face."

"Okay," he answers immediately. "But unarmed. Leave your sword, any knives and your handgun behind. If I see any weapon, Bellamy's dead." He threatens. "A headshot— no chance of saving him, got it?" I look over at Octavia as I answer.

"Loud and clear."

I grab my sword and hand it to Elliot. I also begin grabbing all of my knives except one. The one in my boot.

I hug Elliot tight. "I love you, El."

He hugs me back just as tight. "You'll be okay. Just trust your instincts, okay?" We pull apart. I nod. "I love you, Hails."

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