Our Old Friend, Death

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songs for this chapter: roslyn by bon iver, st

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songs for this chapter: roslyn by bon iver, st. vincent and we must be killers by mikkey ekko

I STARED UP AT THE TREES, looking for any assailants and marveling at the beauty of Earth. I smiled to myself as I watched a bird hop from a branch to another to meet their mate in the middle. My attention was pulled though when Bellamy signaled to the group by putting his hand up. I walked forward slowly to see a boar a couple yards in front of us. My eyebrows furrowed sadly, but I let Bellamy draw back his hand as he said, "Shh.... She's mine." A crack resonated throughout the forest from our right. I whirled around and threw my dagger at the direction of the sound. It landed with a thud in the tree next to a little girl. I gasped in surprise before rushing over to her.

I gripped my dagger and pulled it out of the tree. I then turned to Charlotte. "Are you okay? What are you doing out here?" I asked her with my hands on her arms. I felt Bellamy come up behind me.

"Who the hell are you? Wait, Hailey, you know her?" I nodded with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Charlotte, what are you doing out here?" I asked her.

"Well, what with that guy who was dying, I just... I couldn't listen anymore." She said, which caused my eyebrows to furrow slightly. I didn't comment on her choice of words when describing his condition.

Atom, who'd been silent, then said, "There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl."

Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows in anger, "I'm not little." She said begrudgingly.

Bellamy chuckled slightly, "Alright then. But you can't hunt without a weapon. Ever killed something before?" He asked her.

My eyes widened in surprise, "Bella-" He shook his head. I clenched my jaw.

She shook her head, Bellamy then replied, "Who knows? Maybe you're good at it." He then turned and walked away from Charlotte.

I took on glance at her face before bending down to her level. "You don't have to keep that you know. I can take it if you don't want to hold it." I told her softly while the others stood behind us.

She shook her head, "Only little kids do that and I'm not little."

Despite the situation, I smiled slightly. "I know you're not." I stood and ruffled her hair. "Alright, let's catch up with the others."


After walking around for a while, I found myself in the front with Bellamy. My eyes darted throughout the forest for any sign of animals or anything that could be eaten. My wishful thinking was diminished as the thought came. We probably scared off most of the animals with out talking earlier. I looked over at Bellamy. What had he done to get here? He was obviously above 18, as was I, so how the hell did he get on the dropship?

My thoughts were interrupted by a sound that could only be described as a horn. My eyebrows furrowed, "What the hell was that?" I asked as I held my dagger in my hand.

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