Now Would Be a Good Time to Be Anyone But Me

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PS: This has already been published once, so if you're here to read a new chapter, skip to the end. I changed it slightly to fit with the new chapter. Enjoy. <3

————————songs for this chapter: renegades by X ambassadors and far from home (the raven) by sam tinnez

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songs for this chapter: renegades by X ambassadors and far from home (the raven) by sam tinnez

I AWOKE TO THE GROUND soaring by beneath me. I smiled lightly as I watched the green grass flow through my hair that trickled down onto the forest floor. My brain hurt from the blood flow going into it and I lifted it to stop the pain. Then, it hit me.

The events all came back, the pod, Bellamy's confession, Octavia's disappearance, and the grounder. I connected all the dots until I put together that I'd been kidnapped. I might have laughed slightly if I wasn't in such of a dire situation.

I lifted my head a little higher, trying to get a look at mine and Octavia's supposed kidnapper. Speaking of, where was Octavia? I looked around and noticed that we were the only ones in the forest. Maybe he already took her there, or maybe he didn't bother taking her and he killed her on the spot. The thought made my blood run cold. I had to find her, whether that be alive or dead.

I felt myself for my knives, but found all of them missing. I shut my eyes, willing the training sessions with Miloch to come back into mind. With my stomach draped over his back and my legs by his head, I could easily kick him in the head and find a weapon. I sighed lightly before operating myself for the mini battle with my kidnapper. Quickly and agilely, I swung my knee up and hit him square in the nose. I felt my legs fall out of his grip and myself falling to the ground. I didn't think that my head was going to be the first thing to hit the ground, but it did and stars exploded into my vision. With the world spinning, I scrambled to stand upright. I turned and faced my opponent, which was not a guy at all. It was a girl, probably around my age. She took my surprise as her cue to attack.

With my momentary distraction, she managed to entangle herself on my back, tugging at my hair and clawing at my eyes. I threw my self onto my back, knocking the wind out of her. I stood upwards and reached for my sword, having forgot that I no longer had it. After coming up empty handed, I turned back to her and shrugged lightly before throwing myself onto her in a straddle. With my forearm against her neck and my foot placed on her ankle, she didn't dare move. Even without a weapon, I could definitely injure her before she won.

Our pants filled the air as we sat there. I narrowed my eyes at her, eyeing the blood on her left cheek. I hadn't caused that, did I? "Who are you?" I pushed my arm further into her neck as I yelled at her. She didn't flinch nor move. The only indignation that she heard me was her curled lips and her scowling face. I tilted my head and clicked my tongue before standing. "Okay. Fine. Have it your way." I walked over to her dropped items and began to pull out various things before I found my sword. It's not like I didn't hear her footsteps behind me, I just didn't acknowledge them. If she was going to kill me, she would have done it by now. I heard her footsteps stop a few feet away from me.

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