Bob the Builder Can't Fix Everything

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song: violent by carolesdaughter

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song: violent by carolesdaughter

My eyes widen at her words. "What?" I ask, disbelief evident in my voice.

"You are one of the finest warriors I've ever witnessed." She turns back around and we continue walking. "Think of what you could be with my training." She says. "To test you, we will be having you fight in the battle tomorrow."

"No." I force out, shaking my head. "I won't do it."

She laughs out into the forest. "You will if you want Finn to live."

The world stops. My heartbeat thunders in my ears. "What have you done to him?" I shake against the grounder's grasp.

"Nothing yet." She says, still facing forward. "If you choose not to fight, we'll kill him after Clarke saves Tris."

My breathing comes in and out fast. "I will never fight against my people, Anya," I say, hoping to level with her. "You should know better than anyone that, that is the biggest dishonourment," I say with wide eyes.

She stops in the middle of a clearing, turning around to face me. "I admire your grit and courage, Haelee kom Skaikru," She says, tilting her chin up. Hope bleeds into my chest.

"But you are getting on my nerves." She says, nodding to the grounder behind me. The world comes crashing down around me as I feel something hard hit my skull. Then, darkness.


I groan in pain as I slowly sit up, taking in my surroundings. My vision swims as I try to make out the two figures standing at the table in front of me.

"Clarke?" I murmur. She whirls around.

"Hailey." She sighs in relief before dropping to my level and hugging me.

"Where are we?" I say, looking up at Finn.

He shakes his head, helping me stand. "I don't know." He glances back at the girl that I can only assume is Tris.

"How did I get here?" I ask, rubbing my head.

"Anya brought you here," Clarke says, going back to working on Tris. "She said that she's waiting on your answer." She side-glances at me.

I sigh, setting my hands on the table. "She offered me a position in her army," I say, sighing. "I said no, of course, because she told me that I had to fight against you."

I see Finn's face crease up. "You actually thought about it?" He asks, confused.

"What?" I ask, confused. "No." I lie through my teeth.

The truth is, I had thought about it. The second I had heard that I'd have to fight my friends, the deal was off, but before? Yes. I thought it would make things easier for peace to happen between us.

"You thought about doing it, didn't you?" Finn asks, his face falling. I begin to shake my head, opening my mouth to say something, but he beats me to it. "You would just abandon us all like that?"

"NO!" I finally yell out. "No," I say, calming myself down. "I want peace, Finn," I say weakly.

"You want peace so much that you'd....," he takes in a deep breath, steadying himself on the table. "You would live with the enemy?" He shakes his head. "With animals? Savages?" he humourlessly chuckles. "Of course you would because you just love the feeling of power." He hisses, getting closer to me. He shoves his finger into my chest. "Don't you, Hailey?"

My eyes water as I hold his fiery gaze.

"You love the feeling of your knife going through someone's throat, don't you?" He narrows his eyes at me. "You love the feeling of power because all your life, you've been powerless." He chuckles.

"Finn..." Clarke begins but he shoots her a look.

"You've been tossed around like a ragdoll all your life." He holds out a clenched fist and begins counting on his fingers. "You were hidden by your mom, by your sister, and when your dad found out," he whistles. "He put up with you five years and once he had enough of your selfish ass," he takes another step closer to my shaking form. "He threw you out like trash." He says before shaking his head at me.

"You love the power because it's new to you and now you're addicted to it." He says, backing up. "By all means, if you want to go and become one of them." He points at the grounder stationed by the door that I hadn't noticed until now. "One of the savages." He looks me up and down, eyeing the blood coating my clothing from the grounder earlier. "Then go ahead, Skaigona."

My breathing comes in fast and shallow. My eyes water as I stare at the person that I thought was my friend. "I'm not going to join her army, because all that I want and need is back at that camp," I say, glancing at Clarke. "I thought that you were one of my best friends, Finn," I say, letting a tear fall as my chin wobbles. "But, I guess that this power-hungry bitch isn't worthy of your friendship," I say before turning to the grounder.

"Tell Anya my answer is no," I say. The grounder grunts before walking out.

"Hailey..." I hear Finn start. I glance at his face and see remorse written all over it.

I advance towards him, stopping in front of him. "You don't get to speak to me, Finn." I hiss. "Not now, not ever." The tears fall. "You," I jab my finger into his chest. "Did this, so you only have yourself to thank for this."

I shake my head in disappointment before turning and wrapping my arms around Clarke's shoulders.

I was there for her when her world came crashing down. So, now I need her and she's here. She's here because Finn, a fifth of the people that I care about, broke my heart.



I didn't do an author's note on the other chapter, sorry :/

anyway, I don't know what the hEck is happening, but I think??? I like it?

I don't know I don't know

please don't hate me

please eat something and drink something



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