Where we are

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The conversation with Jacob had been interesting to say the least. The declaration that the wolves were against the vampires and vice versa was something that she had seen coming from miles away, like a flashy sports car belonging to a rich arrogant brat. The very car that he brings to high school every day even though it has NO job being there: All loud, blaring and incredibly annoying. It wasn't like either party was subtle about it, she could still clearly recall Paul's hostility at the mention of her boyfriends family and his strained "the Cullens don't come here". Needless to say, Izzy wasn't exactly surprised.

Still, the fact that the wolves actively hunted vampires was daunting. Jacob had been quick to assure her that the wolves didn't interfere with the Cullen family as long as they didn't feed in the area. They had come here a long time ago, before Jasper and Alice had joined the family, making a pact with the tribe leader. Since their return, the dormant wolf gene had also reappeared in the tribe. Their presence acting as a trigger.

Izzy had been dropped off back to her home soon after the sunset. Her mother had been waiting for her, ready to ask how her day had been. She had asked if Jasper knew about Jacob, which had left Izzy feeling momentarily offended at the implications. Laura had to explain that while she trusted her daughter completely, it was important to keep Jasper in the loop to avoid misunderstandings and complications. She had been immensely satisfied when Izzy informed her that Jasper indeed knew about her friendship and had no issues with it. Izzy was pretty sure, her mother had added another shiny trophy in her, Jasper-is-the-perfect-man-boyfriend-and-son category she probably had in her head.

Izzy had excused herself early, knowing Jasper would be there soon. She had just gotten out of the shower, donning her favourite pair of freshly laundered pajamas and was towelling her her hair dry when Jasper made an appearance. He dropped in gracefully through her window, automatically opening his arms for Izzy to jump into, which she did without second thought. At the end of the day, this was where she felt the most comfortable. As if sleeping in Jaspers arms was the sole relief after a long day. And it certainly had been a long day, she had found out so much, which in retrospect she actually should have seen coming now that she looked back at it.

"How was your hang out" Jasper spoke against her skin. His head in the nape of her neck. It was a position he seemed to enjoy when the laid together. He told her that it felt like he was surrounded by her scent.

"It was good." She begun, playing with his hair in the process, hearing a satisfied hum of appreciation. "Jacob told me some interesting things."


"Like how he's a werewolf and how the vampires and the werewolves are mortal enemies." Subtly going out the window.

Jasper stilled, that much she had expected.

"Oh that." He said eventually. "I was wondering how long he'd take to tell you."

"Yeah...that." She repeated. "How come you've had no problem with me hanging out with him. Weren't you afraid it would be too dangerous."

"Initially, I didn't exactly like the idea," he admitted without shame. "But me liking it or not didn't equate to me stopping you. We weren't exactly dating back then and even if we were, I wouldn't stop you from doing the things you want."

"You said initially..." Izzy pointed out, fighting back a smile. He really did know exactly what to say to make her weak.

"I began to realise he's not the worst dog out there. If you're going to be friends with a werewolf, he's as good as they get." Jasper gave her a crooked grin, as she glared at him for calling her friend a dog. "He isn't a threat to you and at the end of the day that is what matters to me most, along with your happiness."

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