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Izzy was running through the forest as fast as she could. Her feet gliding against the forest grounds as she the trees past her in a blur. The feeling was amazing, she felt like she was flying. Laughing as the wind hit her face she broke into a clearing. It was at that moment that she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. Her captor chuckled, the vibrations that erupted from his chest a sure indication. Izzy was not afraid. Infact she wrapped her own arms around his. Tracing the scars on his exposed forearms. On further inspection the small tares turned out to be bite marks.

The marks were beautiful. Each mark on his skin was like an art piece. Lifting his forearm she gently kissed each mark, cherishing it. She felt the man behind her purr before turning her around to face him in his arms. She looked up at his face...

Only to see her regular white ceiling. Letting out a whine she rolled to the other side, her hand resting against her cheek where Jaspers hands had been only afew hours prior. She felt content, her thoughts drifting from her dream to Jasper and his actions. She should have known that it wouldn't last.

From the moment school started, she couldn't help but feel as though something was about to go terribly wrong. She felt unusually paranoid to the extent that she couldn't even hold a proper conversation with Edward in arts. The only bright side had been Rosalie not glaring at her but maintaining a neutral face through out the duration of the lesson, if Izzy wasn't in her right senses she'd even say that she saw Rosalie crack a small smile at one of her jokes. Edward felt her worry and asked her, genuinely worried for her sake. She just shrugged at him telling him she didn't know herself. It was the truth after all.

The only little bit of solace she could find was in Jasper. He had wrapped an arm around her the moment he had seen her in the parking lot, momentarily taking her mind of her growing unidentifiable issue. She had smiled at him brightly, slightly flushed after yesterday's events. He was also there the moment class had ended pulling her towards him. The walked to class in comfortable silence, Izzy's mind at ease and Jasper played with a lose thread of her jacket that poked out of her shoulder pad. His arm still hung loosely on her shoulder when they entered class. Just when she had thought that the stares had begun to lessen, they returned in full force with Jaspers new fondness to skinship. Ever since the kiss Jasper seemed to want to be in constant physical contact no matter the kind.

She felt fine when Jasper was there but the moment he was not her previous anxiety kicked in. So by the time she reached lunch, Izzy felt extremely jittery and somewhat nauseous. She sat next to her friends but barely ate a bite or took part in their conversation. Angela noticed but said nothing upon Izzy's pleading look.

Jasper also saw Izzy from across the room and grew worried at his girls obvious discomfort. Why was she so tense?

Edward added his own input to Jaspers unasked question.

"She's been like this all morning. When I asked her if everything was alright she said she didn't know herself. She only calmed down with you"

Jasper frowned slightly, he didn't like seeing her like that. He would stay with her all day if it meant keeping her calm and safe. He walked out a minute before the bell rang, leaning right next to the cafeteria door. Just as he had predicted, Izzy walked out soon after. She had clearly been searching for him by the way her eyes lit up when she saw him. When she reached him, Jasper quickly took her in his arms. She stilled at first before quickly easing up, wrapped her own arms daintily around his torso.

"Are you alright darlin" Butterflies erupted in her chest at his endearment, this was worse than ma'am. But the concern behind his eyes was what really caught her.

"I don't know" she mumbled, still pressed against his strong chest. "Nothing is actually wrong but I can't shake the feeling that something is about to go terribly wrong. It's getting worse as the day progresses"

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