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Izzy slowly walked up to him, his eyes following her every move like a hunter on target. His whole body tense as if he was ready to spring at her any second. The closer she got the more coiled his body seemed to become. It left her baffled, why was he acting this way? It's not like she'd killed his cat or something. Sure she had insulted his sister but it wasn't that bad, it's not like she slapped her something; weird. It made no sense to her but she held his gaze regardless, not one to be dominated. His eyes widened a fraction, he obviously wasn't used to people looking him in the eye. Well! Get used to it sonny, it's gonna happen a lot now.

She took a seat next to him and saw him gravitate to the other side. At this point she was beginning to get very, very annoyed. Just when she knew she was about to burst, a wave of calm washed over her and she felt herself let go of all her previous anger and annoyance. She relaxed into the chair but that lasted only a few moments before confusion surfaced. Why was she so calm all of a sudden? It wasn't like her to let out all her anger that quickly and without action. She looked at Jasper, only to find him looking right back at her, his eyes just as intense as before.

She let out a long sigh not noticing Jaspers change in expression as her breath hit him in the face. His nostrils expanded as he unconsciously inhaled her scent. He expected himself to go into a frenzy, unable to stop until he the entire room was painted red. But the scent that filled him was intoxicating yes, but it did not make his throat clog up in thirst instead it took away his hunger making him feel fully satisfied for the first time in six to more years. It made him want to take the female besides him in his arms and hold her, breathing in her scent. It was a different type of addictive. One that he could afford, perhaps.

He looked at her once more, something he found himself doing a lot. She was beautiful, almost unbelievably so but there was more to it then that, he was drawn to her like magnet. He'd been shocked when he had found out how she stood up to Rosalie and not just a little impressed. She had shocked him once again when he'd found out how difficult it was getting a grasp of her emotions. The third time had been when she'd held his gaze, very few people out there were able to withstand his predatory look and now she pulled it off yet again with the uniqueness of her scent. This girl really was something else.

"You know..." she began softly "staring is impolite"
Her voice was beautiful, Jasper couldn't help but want to here more of it. If was smooth and somewhat low pitched, but clear, giving her tone a seductive allure.

"Apologies ma'am" he spoke, his southern drawl sending shivers down her spine. "But I would call it admiring. I'm Jasper Hale. A pleasure to be of acquaintance"

Izzy blushed at his words but pushed it down. Opting to be polite as he had been when she replied.

"Elizabeth Storm but I prefer Izzy." She smiled at him, a smile that seemed to throw him of guard in its beauty. It lit up her entire face. "If the pleasure is all mine or not, only time will tell will it not" she quirked her head to the side.

"Indeed" Jasper smirked.

"Indeed" Jasper smirked

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