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Izzy woke up to the sun beating down on her, literally. Living in Forks she had forgotten how hot the weather actually could get, especially here in Phoenix. The skimpy curtain did little  to nothing to shield the room from the harsh light. She had forgotten how much she hated the heat.

She shifted alittle, sinking further into the only source of coolness she had, the body beneath her; Jasper. Some time during the night she had moved from cuddling to his side to pretty much being spread on top of him. He didn't seem to mind, seeing as one of his arms was wrapped around her, securing her in place while the other ran up and down her black in soothing motions.

Other than the heat, the day would have been pleasant enough, had not the overhanging cloud of tension and impending turmoil surround them. Jasper kept her calm for the most part, using both his gift and his own knowledge of her.

"Are you planning on getting up any time soon Liz" Jasper asked, hand running through her hair, untangling the restrained knots from her tresses.

"Do I have to?" Izzy mumbled, spreading herself further onto him. She felt drained though she had rested throughout the journey and again last night. The smothering weight of James obsession and the guilt of putting everyone she knew, particularly the Cullens was like a tumour, constantly feeding off of her.

"You don't actually." Jasper allowed. "I am quite comfortable currently, it's just your stomach I'm worried about. Aren't you hungry?"

"I don't feel particularly hungry." You denied, food was currently the last thing on your mind. "Right now I just want you to hold me."

"I think that could be arranged." Jasper whispered in her ears, as Izzy suppressed a threatening shiver.

Jasper placed a kiss on top of her head before leaning down to kiss her neck. Izzy purred at the sensation. It was without a doubt a pleasant feeling, Jasper had recently developed an unhealthy obsession with her neck. it was very vampire of him, completely on brand. When she told him as such, he chuckled, saying the heart wanted what it wanted, even a dead one.

Rosalie hadn't graced them with her presence just yet, which was shocking since she wasn't exactly a late sleeper, or a sleeper at all. Maybe she wanted to give the lovers some privacy, thought Izzy. but that was completely unnecessary in her opinion, there was no reason for Rosalie to be bored to death, no pun intended, when she could do it here with them. There wasn't much to do stuck in an old dusty motel room, under the blazing sun. This certainly wasn't Forks, the smoldering temperatures in the room were a clear enough indication, where the sun rarely came out from its hibernation, and when it did, it was warm and comfortable, not boiling and sweltering. It didn't make your shirt seem like it had permanently glued itself to your back like an overly persistent stalker. Even Jasper's internal icebox could not fully deter your extreme sensitivity to the heat, though he certainly did help. How would Rosalie keep herself entertained?

"Where's rose?" Izzy asked Jasper, still unwilling to leave his embrace or stop the trail that was going her neck.

"She's on the phone with Emmet." Jasper answered simply.

Izzy didn't share the idle response, instead she sat up straight, straddling Jasper. It would've been a rather intimate moments had it not been for the earnest look on her face. It was a mix of worry and hope. What news had Emmet bought? Were they okay? Izzy was desperate for the answers but at the same was too scared of the put come. There was something quite assuring about uncertainty, there was always a chance for the better outcome. Knowledge had the possibility of the worst coming to life. With uncertainty you could live in a fools wonderland of optimism and hope while knowledge put you face to face with rather harsh realities.

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