Dresses and Danger.

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It was sunny when Izzy woke up three days after visiting La Push. The sky was clear and it wasn't as cold as it usually was. This was a rarity in Forks that was in near constant cover of clouds and rain. Izzy dressed accordingly, going only slightly overboard at the chance to wear lighter clothes. She dressed up in a black tank top, blue skinny jeans and a maroon light jacket. She couldn't wait to see Jasper and his reaction.

These days she had found herself dressing up only for Jasper's appreciative gaze. Yes, it was pathetic but she couldn't help it. She was in deep and was sure she wasn't getting out anytime soon.

Her bright mood however, dissipated somewhat when she got a message from Jasper.

I'm sorry darlin, won't be coming to school today. Me and my family are going up north for a day or so. Camping.
I'll take you next time ;).

Izzy sighed, so much for dressing up. He wasn't even going to come but she smiled at the winky face he'd sent her and the endearment he had attached. She quickly sent him a reply.

It's ok, have fun alright but stay safe and don't do anything stupid. I'll see you tomorrow? <3

She walked down to her mother albeit with less enthusiasm only to find her mom making breakfast. The sight was so rare that Izzy stopped in her tracks. It was Izzy who usually cooked. Seeing her mother smiling at her brightly, a plate in her hand made Izzy almost tear up. It meant she finally had time for  things like these. They might have been trivial to some but to her they meant the world.

"Hungry baby" her mom asked.

"Yep, it's been a while since I've had your pancakes." Izzy hugged her mom tight, taking the plate from her hand gratefully.

They tasted amazing; soft and buttery. The perfect proportion of everything. Her mom was a perfectionist. I mean she gave birth to Izzy, how could she not be.  Her mom would leave later today but would come back at around 11pm, having two surgeries later in the evening. Izzy kisses her mom goodbye like usual, promising to spend tomorrow with her. A mother daughter day. Something they did when Izzy was younger.

Izzy couldn't help but look around for a similar figure despite knowing he wasn't coming. She felt a hollow ache in her chest as she finally realised Jasper really wasn't coming today. Of coarse he isn't, he told you as much Izzy silently chided herself.

The entire day was spent in blur, no tawny eyes standing out to her, no reassuring touch or comforting embrace. She felt weird walking to class alone. Angela must have felt her discomfort and damp spirits because she spent the entire day with her. Something that Izzy was very thankful for. What would she do without her.

During lunch, they decided to sit outside to soak in the sun. The rest of their friends joined soon after even Tyler and the bimbo Emma, much to Izzy's displeasure. When Tyler tried to talk to her, Izzy was quick to turn him telling him Jasper was gone for a day and not a lifetime. Emma was her usual snarky self but who cared anyways.

Half way through Angela quickly pulled her aside and told her how she'd asked Eric to the dance and he'd said yes.

"I did what you told me to do. I took control." She practically jumped with joy. "He didn't even hesitate for a second before agreeing."

Izzy being the good friend that she was, gave her an appropriate response; squealing. She hugged her petite friend and asked for all the details. After their little joy fest was over they joined the group again. This time she noticed how Eric's eyes would often drift to Angela ever so often. Izzy grinned, already planning on teasing the boy.

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