A secret revealed

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Settling back into normalcy had been easier than Izzy had anticipated. She, with the help of Jasper, had created a whole elaborate excuse to explain her disappearance to her mother. They had waited an additional day or two for her leg to heal, not wanting to complicate things further.

Izzys injury haunted Jasper, who had promised Laura and himself that he would protect her. Laura had left Izzy in his care, and he had allowed her to get hurt. It usually took a daily reminder from Izzy herself, to make him realize that he has protected her from more than most could and how, at the end of the day, no one, not even he, could protect her from everything.

To everyone's surprise, Laura hadn't asked them much. She had welcomed both of them with open arms. She had scanned them with scrutiny, noticing the tell- tale signs of exhaustion in the way they were slumped- even Jasper who carried a soldier's resilience-and the new eye bags Izzy was supporting. Heck, it practically oozed out of them, pungent and glaring. They looked like zombies in the making, but atleast physically they appeared unharmed. However, being a doctor for so long meant that Laura knew that just because someone looked like he or she was alright didn't really mean they actually were.

"I'll just ask you afew questions?" She had said, a rare somberness making an appearance.

She had lead them to the living room, with both Izzy and Jasper following her like obedient ducklings. It was one of those moments that showed just where Izzy has inherited her confidence and sheer presence from. This was a fact that wasn't entirely lost to Jasper as he took a seat next to his girlfriend on the two seater, nor was the irony that  he; an all powerful vampire that even the volturi was wary of, was reduced to feeling nervous and anxious, sitting in-front of a petite, normally mild tempered women.

"Are you pregnant" Laura asked completely out of the blue. Jasper choked on nothing, completely dumbfounded.

Izzy on the other hand gasped, blushing fiercely at the allegation, eyes darting between her mother and Jasper in panicked confusion. Jasper was sure that if he was human, he too would've blushed, seeing the huge embarrassment-that was multiplied by Izzys own- he was currently feeling.

"Mom!!" Izzy spluttered, shaking her head rapidly, "O-of coarse not. What are you even taking about."

"Okay!okay!" Laura raised her hands up in surrender. "I just had to make sure."

"She's not," Jasper pressed firmly. "You don't have to worry about that at all Laura."

"It's not that I don't trust the two of you, but you can never be too careful." Laura was abruptly cut off by Izzy, who looked twice as stricken as she did when facing James.

"No one is pregnant MOM." Izzy practically shouted, her hands going around Jaspers ears in the futile hope to block him from hearing what her mother was saying. A part of Jasper wished that she physically could do that, his superhuman hearing being less than appreciated for once.

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