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Izzy had found Jasper walking up to her, his face scowled in anger, without much thought she had automatically placed her hand on his shoulder, asking him what was wrong. Wrong move, izzy instantly felt electricity flow through her, a sudden spark that left her breathless for more, all she wanted to do was hug him and be as close as possible but she controlled herself. Instead opting to gently give it a squeeze before letting go. Her action had a much more significant effect than she'd originally thought it would; he instantly relaxed, all anger leaving him in a flash.

"What's gotten you so worked up" she asked him gently.

"An annoyance" he scowled. "Some girl pissing me off and going as far as to try and insult you. As if I'd stand for that"

He had spoken in a rush, before realising what he had said. Embarrassment hit him like a truck. It faded away slightly however when he saw her go a shade of deep red. When she looked up her face conveyed how touched she was on how he'd defended her on her behalf.

"Did she confess to you or something" she joked, when he didn't answer she gasped. She really did and Jasper rejected her. A part of her felt exhilarated at the deed and she had to admit it was a rather large part of her. After all the girl had gone to the lengths of insulting her without even knowing her. People like that always pissed Izzy off.

"Must be hassle being drop dead gorgeous" she said grinning at him. Yes she had said that in the spur of the moment but she couldn't find it in herself to disagree with her previous statement. It was the truth.

"I don't know, you tell me" Jasper served smoothly. Izzy blushed at his words despite being the one to initiate the compliment.

"I'm clueless on that front" Izzy shrugged.

"I disagree" Jasper was quick to respond, throwing her a lazy smile.

Izzy felt her heart pound, how could she stay away when he said things like that. The majority of the classes were spent like that. Izzy trying to keep her heart rate in check and jasper trying his best to make it sky rocket. It amused him to no end, watching her try to remain calm and indifferent but her reaction also elevated him. The knowledge of how he was effecting her made him swell up in pride. He had to make her his, one way or another.

By the time school ended Izzy almost ran back to her bike, sighing in relief. She wasn't sure how much more of it could she take. Jasper seemed hell bent on making her fall for him and she'd be damned if he wasn't doing an amazing job so far.She drove back home, her resolve wavering already.

The following week went by relatively uneventful full. She became more comfortable with the school, the stares lessened somewhat but not by much since she still talked to Jasper and he still walked her to class, she got closer to both Alice and Edward, Rosalie still didn't like her, she became really good friends with Angela, and did not get into a fight with anyone. All in all the week flew by fast.

It wasn't until the next Thursday that something happened. The day had started out well enough. Izzy sat with Jasper in history, talking in hushed tones. Izzy was still ahead of everyone else and Jasper knew the entire history course by heart. They talked about nothing and everything at the same time. She always felt great being near Jasper, as though she was finally complete. As of a part of her and been missing all her life and she never even knew it until Jasper filled that hole. She had come to like the Cullens a lot, even the aloof and at times kinda bitchy Rosalie. They were all so tight knitted, it was beautiful to watch.

At lunch she sat with her usual group of friends, well two friends and the rest merely acquaintances. Jessica was trying to flirt with Mike and Mike was trying to flirt with Izzy. Needless to say both were unsuccessful in their endeavours.  Angela was  just telling her about a new lens when Tyler came in, kissing Izzy's cheek in the process. She felt her anger spike but kept it under wraps, opting to ignore him instead. Today he had brought someone else with him. A blonde girl who looked like a bimbo to be very honest. She was wearing a tee shirt that was a size too small and too short shorts what definitely did not suit Forks weather. She sat down infront of her, eyeing izzy with heated scrutiny. It was obvious she did not like Izzy much but unfortunately for her, Izzy could not give a rats ass about what the girl felt. However she couldn't let anyone think they could mess with so she retaliated. Izzy allowed herself to lazily give the girl a once over, making her disinterest evident with a downward pull of her lips before turning her head away from the girl and back to Angela. She felt a smirk crawl on her lips when she heard the girl give out an indignant huff.

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