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Izzy decided a trip to the reserve had been overdue. She hadn't seen the beach in awhile. She'd found herself caught up in a whirlwind of emotions and events. Peace and quite was much needed, so she got dressed, packed an extra outfit and got ready for some downtime and potential cliff diving.

A part of her wished that Jacob would also be there, she had come to enjoy his company and felt a strange sense of friendship with him. He was nice, hotheaded, yes but funny and caring. A form of normalcy in her extraordinary life. He was someone who she'd come to see as a younger sibling although perhaps alittle less annoying for the most part.

With that hope Izzy  hopped on her bike and rode straight to the reserve. Its sheer beauty just as magnificent as always.

When she got there, she went straight on to inspecting the cliffs, she checks the water, the placement and the current, trying to decide which cliff would be most suitable for a good dive

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When she got there, she went straight on to inspecting the cliffs, she checks the water, the placement and the current, trying to decide which cliff would be most suitable for a good dive. Izzy was just contemplating on which of the two short listed candidates would be most suitable when a familiar voice spoke up from behind her.

"If your thinking of suicide, there are slot less painful was to go."

Izzy spun around, only to come face to face with with a heavily grinning Jacob.

"Hey man." Izzy grinned back. "It's been a while and for the record I was thinking about cliff diving not suicide."

"Is there a difference?" Jacob asked, ab eyebrow shooting up.

"If you know what your doing, then yes." Izzy countered.

"I do" Jacob confirmed. "I've been diving for a while. The question is do you."

Izzy gave him a devilish smirk, one that had him reeling back in uncertainty.

"Just wait and watch I guess."

"I'd suggest you do this at the end before your ready to leave. Sticky clothes are not fun to be in if you want to relax." He stressed.

"Point taken." Izzy surrendered, she followed him back down as the made small talk. She learned that he went to a school on the reserve. It was somewhat private and selective, which was probably why a majority on Forks went to Izzy's school. She also learned that Jacob was pretty much a pro mechanic and that fixing rusty old bikes was something of a hobby.

He had looked at her in in almost anew light when she'd mentioned how she rode a bike herself. He'd insisted she show him the bike as proof. Izzy laughed at his disbelief. If he'd been under the illusion that she was just an average girl he was about to wake up.

When she showed him the bike, he'd nearly flipped out, inspecting every inch of her baby before deeming it to be a beauty. Izzy couldn't agree more. She caught a hint of respect in his eyes when she told him how she'd learned how to ride in secret, way before she'd gotten her own.

They walked around the beach, catching up. Jacob had began learning how to hunt like his father and a majority of their tribe, something that Izzy found very cool. He told her about how there was the girl at his school who kept giving him the goggly eyes but for some reason he didn't mind. Izzy had the pleasure of informing him of his apparent feelings.

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