The Man With Compassion

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The next day Jasper took her over to his place as promised. Esme stood outside the door waiting for them. She gave Izzy a hug as soon as she was within range.

"I heard there were baby pictures shown the other day." Esme positively gushed. "They've been talking about it all night. I must see how precious of a child you really were."

Izzy blushed at her words. She didn't think her pictures would be so impactful that they'd talk about it at home, or ever for that matter. Still she promised to invite Esme over soon and meet her mother in the process. Esme graciously agreed.

When she went inside, hand in hand with Jasper, everyone except Carlisle was in the room. They all greeted Izzy cheerfully, Alice giving her the usual hug. Edward was the last, ruffling Izzy's hair until they were just as bad as they were in the morning when she woke up.

"How's my favourite single and lonely vampire doing today." Izzy grinned ruthlessly, squishing his rather hard cheek.

Edward rolled an eye in her direction as most of the inhabitants in the room snickered.

"But I thought I was your favourite single vampire." Alice pouted.

"Oh no!" Izzy quickly comforted the tiny pixie. "You're my favourite vampire period."

Jasper cleared his throat loudly, staring pointedly at Izzy until she gave him a guilty smile. "Kidding."

Jasper lead her upstairs to Carlisle's study while Izzy quickly turned her head and winked at Alice. The small vampire let out a giggle, winking back.

"I saw that." Jasper caught her, when they stood infront of Carlisle's study.

"Oops" Izzy grinned, completely at ease.

Jasper just shook his head before lightly tapping on the door one.

"Come in." Carlisle's soft voice came from the other end.

Jasper opened the door for Izzy, and they stepped inside. The walls were wooden with large bookshelves taking up the entirety of them. The room had more books then their poorly stocked public library in Forks.

Carlisle sat behind a large desk in a leather chair. Straight of the bat Izzy got principal vibes that she tried to quell. Principals were definitely not her favourite people.

"What can I do for you?" He asked politely, again sounding too much like a principal or perhaps a consoler. The latter sounded more tolerable.

"I was hoping you could tell Izzy about your past." Jasper said.

"If that's okay." Izzy quickly added in, not wanting him to be uncomfortable.

"Not at all." He smiled. "I'll start from the very beginning."

Jasper grasped Izzy's shoulder and spun her around to face the the wall behind them. This one was without books, instead almost taking up the entire, there were pictures and paintings. Some bright and colourful while some dull and monochromic. Jasper directed her gaze to a particular painting, it was small and did not stand out much in comparison to the rest. It was a depiction of a city, definitely old with tiny slanted houses and horse carts.

"London." Jasper answered her unspoken question. "In the sixteen fifties."

"The London where I grew up." Carlisle spoke. Izzy eyes grew wide at his words. sixteen fifties!! Carlisle had quite literally seen the world change.

"My father was a priest, in an age where folklore was a fundamental aspect of the human culture. All my life I had been taught to hate vampires, to consider them vile and capable of only evil." His expression and tone stood in sync, somber.

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