Meternal love

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It had been a week since the day Jasper had told her about him and the Cullens being vampires. When she'd met them after the weekend, she could practically feel their hesitation and nervousness on her reaction. She didn't need to be an empath like Jasper to know, it was clearly written on their faces.

They had relaxed alittle when Izzy had smiled brightly at them, just like she always did. Jasper right besides her as usual only this time his arm was placed securely at her waist rather than her shoulder. It was a subtle move but to the ever observant high schooler of Forks it was a big change. Big enough to move Tyler into action. He had cornered her during break.

"So you and Jasper huh?" He had asked her with poorly concealed envy.

"Yes my and Jasper." Izzy had agreed, rising an eyebrow at him. "So what."

"I don't like it" he stated, as of that was a good enough reason. Izzy had looked at him unimpressed.

"Luckily for me

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"Luckily for me. I couldn't care less about what you like or not." Her voice had been sickly sweet but her expression had been anything but.

That was the moment, Jasper had decided to grace them with his presence. He immediately walked up to them his arm coming around Izzy's waist as she moulded herself to him. They were like magnets, joined by a force unknown even to themselves. Jasper kissed her on the head before turning to face Tyler. His soft smile was instantly replaced with frigid disdain. He openly glared at the persistent boy. As usual Tyler shrank back at Jaspers nonverbal warning.

"I thought I told stay away from my girlfriend." Izzy had a strange urge to interrupt with a 'no my girlfriend' but she refrained herself. Now was not the time. He was defending her, she could tease him later.

"G-Girlfriend." Tyler stammered, the words a slap to his face.

Jasper actually laughed at him directly. It wasn't one that held humour but one that was dry, laced with vivid mock.

"You seem surprised for some reason. The entire school knew it was inevitable. You couldn't possibly be that stupid?" But Jasper's tone negated his words. It showed how he had no doubts in the boys stupidity. It also showed how his humour was keeping hold of his anger.

"Now I'm going to tell you this for the very last time. Leave Liz alone. She's mine. Next time I won't talk with words" he finished clinching his jaw tightly.

Tyler visibly shook, while Izzy tried to contain the sudden rush of excitement she felt when he'd called her his. Izzy was no object and she knew that Jasper knew that aswell. His actions told her as much. He treated her like she was the most precious thing on the world. But in a way what he had said was right, she was his emotionally, physically and most importantly her heart belonged to him. It was both ways. If she was his than he was hers.

To her surprise Tyler stood his ground. Turning to Izzy before saying.

"I think it's up to her to decide if she wants me to stay by her side or not." He gave Izzy his go to sexy smile only Izzy felt no sway from his so called charms.

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