The Chase Begins

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"We can't just leave like that." Izzy sounded frantic.

"I need to protect you Izzy. Just because he's gone now doesn't mean he's given up."  Jasper tried to reason with her.

When Izzy shook her head, Jasper insisted. "Izzy please listen to me, I could feel what he felt. I could feel his thrill, his lust, his want for you. He won't give up until he has you. I can't let him destroy you like that."

"I read his mind." Edward supplied, trying to help Jasper. "He's just marked you as his newest game, our reactions only ticked him further, particularly mine. I got a good look into his mind. He's not used to being thwarted. He thinks himself as a hunter and nothing else."

He turned his attention to Jasper momentarily. "It worked, he thinks me and Izzy are together. Your relationship with Izzy is the farthest thing from his mind."

"Good!" Jasper nodded, ticking off another piece in his head.

"Look I can't just go like that okay!" Izzy bought back everyone's focus on the current issue. Her frustration was rising my the second to the extent where she felt she's lose her mind. Nothing made sense, and the panic and fear was just making everything fuzzy.

"Maybe we should give Izzy and Jasper some time to sort this out okay?" Esme pointed out softly, giving Izzy a gentle and reassuring smile.

"Thank you Esme..." Izzy returned the gesture, albeit more strained.

Almost on auto, the rest of the Cullens filed out one by one. Carlisle only lingering long enough to tell them they'd be close by before he left, shutting the door with an almost inaudible thud. With the rest of them gone, Izzy get go of her last restraint and sank into the sofa, her head in her hands.

"Darlin..." Jasper began again, but this time Izzy stopped him.

"No Jasper!" She let out harshly. "I need you to listen to me. I cannot leave my mother unprotected. If he's as good as you say he is, who is to say he won't harm her to get to me. That's what I'd do if I was in his place."

It was true if Izzy was in James's place,she'd aim for the weakest link. Anything to lure her in and get her to his bidding. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how one would look at it, Izzy was well aware on who her weakest link was...her mother. It was for that very reason that she couldn't follow Jasper, she had her mother to look after.

"We'll protect her Izzy. I would never let them hurt Laura." Jasper's eyes were bright with emotion, he genuinely cared for Laura.

"What about her heart Jasper?" Izzy looked defiant, unwilling to back down just yet. "I can't abandon her like dad did!!"

The last part came out as a shout before her voice cracked. The lump in her throat finally getting the better of her. This was it, her biggest concern, her biggest fear.

"Look..." she now looked tired, all fire dissipated only leaving behind vulnerability. "It's always been me and my mom. Through everything, through every hardship and struggle we've had each other. I can't abandon her now that I've found someone else to love. I can't be that selfish Jasper. I can't be my father."

She once again opened up her heart to him, telling him about the fear she herself wasn't fully aware off until this very moment. She didn't want to leave her mother behind, she couldn't lose sight of her love in her own blinding romance. The last string of hesitation had finally been laid bare infront of them.

"I see..." Jasper was silent for a moment, re-evaluating the situation after the new development. She had a point, the emotional trauma of her absence could be detrimental to Laura.

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