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On her way back home Izzy made a pit stop at a supermarket. Their pantry was completely empty, she should atleast buy the basics before coming back in the evening with a detailed list. Buying the absolute bare minimum, she drove back. Once at home, she drove her bike into their shed before making her way inside. Their house was still nearly barren but her mother had been reassured that their stuff would arrive by this evening.

Not much to do, Izzy opted to make a quick snack; cheese sandwiches, leaving two for her mother in case she came home hungry. With her own sandwich in hand she made her way to her room, throwing herself on her makeshift bed. Her thoughts immediately went to Jasper and the Cullens. They were beautiful, too beautiful. She had seen no imperfection on them. No wrinkles, no extra pounds, no sign of pimples or pigmentations. Then there was Jasper, hand crafted by God Himself to fit all her desires but there was a strange reluctance to him, an unwillingness to get close but he was getting close anyway. They were all adopted but shared common traits like their unique golden eyes and almost deathly pale skin. They got the curiosity in Izzy to rise.

But she controlled herself. Whatever they were hiding it was none of her business. It was their secret to keep or to share. Apart of her questioned herself, should she get involved with them, for some reason they radiated this strange sense of danger which seemed both an invitation and a warning. She had always been a firm believer of the sixth sense, but now even her sixth sense was confused. She had to be careful, if she didn't stop now she wasn't sure if she ever could. That very thought was frightening, how could one man effect her so bad in one meeting.

Fed up with her thoughts she grabbed her guitar and let her fingers stream through the strings, creating a familiar melody that calmed her down easily. She didn't know the song, all she remembered was the music and the sense of comfort that it brought. It was ingrained in her memory like a tattoo. She couldn't even remember the source or who played it. A nagging whisper would tell her it was her father but she pushed it behind. She had no time to think of such irrelevant people.

She had more pressing matters to deal with.

Jaspers P.O.V

Jasper had instantly gone up his room the moment he got back home. In no mood to deal with Rosalie and her infamous wrath. He had never been on the receiving end of it. Majorly because he was not one to make reckless mistakes other than an occasional slip up but also because she knew he was not one to tolerate such behaviour or take someone's sass but today seemed to be pushing it. He could feel her anger when he'd passed to get to his car and had known what was to come.

Now he sat in his room too emotionally occupied to be bothered with her. His thoughts kept drifting to the dark haired beauty he'd met just today. By the end of the first lesson he had known he felt something for the girl. And by the end of the day he had come to revelation that what he felt was strong. He should keep his distance he knew but the thought of being away from her sent Jasper into a state of panic and hysteria. He knew he wasn't a danger to her. He had no desire what so ever to hurt her any time soon but were his family a danger, it was unlikely but you never knew.

Would he be able to stay away from her? Considering how difficult it was to stay in his room without wanting to run to her was a sign for no. But perhaps he should take things slow, a part of him knew he'd have to tell her about his secret soon but he wanted to get to know her first and gain her trust before opening such a big part of himself, a part that might send her running.

His mind made up, he went downstairs to face his family. They were all gathered in the living room. Rosalie looked furious, Emmet vary-if it was of him or Rosalie, Jasper did not know- Carlisle and Esme looked concerned, Edward looked tense but nodded at him in understanding while Alice looked content. Their faces were a clear indication of their emotions aswell and he was glad he had Alice and Edward by his side. He gave them both a small smile of gratitude before turning to the rest.

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