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The following morning, Izzy was surprised to see Jasper still in the same position as he had been in when Izzy fell asleep, that is holding her soundly. He was awake ofcoarse, seeing as izzy never sang him to sleep the other night.
Usually, he'd be gone before she woke up on the account of not wanting her mother to catch them.

"Mornin ma'am." He greeted softly, kissing her temple.

"Good morning" she replied, burying yourself deeper into him, as she fought the lingering signs of sleep. "How are you still here?"

"You seemed uneasy last night, my presence seemed to calm you so I stayed." He said matter-of-factly. "I took a chance, normally I leave at around six."

He had been right about her sleep, it had been plagued by a strange nightmare, a darkness had surrounded her that was only kept at bay by a familiar pair of arms around her. She'd first dreamt of them the day she'd come to Forks, the sense of security they had provided. It had taken her a while to realise that those arms belonged to Jasper. As long as Jasper had held her she had been safe.

"You saved me, even in my dream." Izzy told him placidly.

"I'll always save you." He promised.

It took Izzy a good few minutes to actually get up from Jaspers comforting embrace. Finally with some internal struggle, she was on her feet, trudging to the bathroom.

Jasper just watched her in amusement. So this is what he missed every morning, the sluggish, whiny and almost comical Izzy. He knew she turned into a child when exhausted but he never knew she was this...well, soft in the mornings. He would have to stay put more often.

When Izzy came back out fully clothed and fully conscious, Jasper informed her that her mother wasn't at home, having left early in the morning at around eight. She had come up to check on Izzy, but thanks to Jasper's advanced hearing. He was able to quickly jump out the window and into the forest. Luckily, she didn't wake Izzy up and he'd been successful in creeping back into their previous position.

They went downstairs together, to find a note from her mother saying she was on night duty. that meant another entire day spent with Jasper. Out of habit she asked Jasper if he'd want some breakfast, he just looked at her strangely.

"Sorry" she said sheepishly. "Force of habit"

"I'm good, thanks" he went along with it.

Izzy smiled at him before making herself a cup of coffee. After adding a hefty amount of cream and sugar in it she sat next to him, sipping slightly.

"What happened last night with the nomads.? Have you heard from anyone yet." Izzy asked finally, it had been eating her alive ever since she woke up.

"Their gone" he told her "Rosalie texted me when they left but I don't know the details yet,"

Izzy let a sigh of relief, feeling incredibly light after the heavy amount of weight lifted of her shoulders. They had just been spared from a disaster, waiting to happen.

"Should we go to your place after this?" Izzy asked him. "I want to know what happened."

"I want to make sure they have left entirely before I take you back to my place. I don't think I'll be going myself." Jasper told her, pacing around the living room in thought. "How about I call Alice or maybe Edward to give us an update."

At this point Izzy was so desperate for some or any information, she didn't even think about hesitating before she agreed. Just like that Jasper was texting his siblings on the phone. He asked Edward to come over.

Surprisingly, five minutes later all four of the other Cullen siblings stood at her doorstep. She let them in, feeling strangely conscious about her somewhat untidy living room. It turned out completely unnecessary because the moment she let them in, Emmet had flung himself on the nearest sofa. The alarmed creak, worrying Izzy. The rest of them were abit more careful when seating themselves.

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