His Story

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Jasper wasn't by her side when she woke up the next morning but he'd left her text.
You're mother woke up so I left. I'll pick you up later at about 2pm.

Izzy smiled at his thoughtfulness. He was her sweetheart no matter how cold and detached he was to the world. She quickly typed a reply.
Sure babe, I'll see you then. <3

She made sure to add afew hearts. He may not show it but she knew it flustered him. She'd seen what afew kissy faces and cheek squishes did to him. She had a feeling emojis would have a similar effect. It was a shame she wouldn't be around to see it.

She started her day with the usual routine of taking a shower, getting dressed and having breakfast with her mom. Izzy only put alittle more effort then usual, putting her hair up nicely.

Her mom was already downstairs, standing in the kitchen

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Her mom was already downstairs, standing in the kitchen. Izzy quickly kissed her mom in greeting, taking over  on the cooking. Her mom had started pancakes and Izzy happened to be craving them for the past few days. They sat and ate together, chatting away. Her mom filled her in on the hospital and a Samantha who was about to divorce her husband. Izzy in turn told her about Emma and Tyler.  It was fun reconnecting with her mom like that. She felt so much more closer to her mom ever since they'd come to Forks. Perhaps it had something to do with her mom actually having time for her now. She had always tried of course, even when she'd been at the hospital two nightshifts in a row but there was only so much she could do with the limited time on her hands. Things were different now, she had time to spare and time to relax.

After breakfast, Izzy went up to her make shift studio. It had been awhile since she'd properly danced. Her body was screaming for some movement. The turned on the speaker and plugged in her phone. Scrolling through her music she finally decided to put on a random song and play. A familiar beat started playing and Izzy's body acted on its own.

(The one in the middle)

Izzy moved on from song to song for good half hour before stopping when she realised Jasper would be there soon. She did a quick touch up to look like she did before dancing.  She went back to her room and changed her shirt. Smelling like sweat was not a good feeling especially when your boyfriend had an enhanced sense of smell.

By the time she had changed, Jasper was already downstairs, charming her mother with kind words and sweet gestures. Such a charmer. Izzy leaned against the staircase, knowing Jasper had already sensed her but did not turn as to not raise suspicion.He was waiting for her to make a move so he could acknowledge her presence. however, izzy did no such thing. she just stood there watching them for awhile, basking in their familiarity with one another.

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