Spring Dance

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When Izzy looked back at it, a good four months had passed and it had been beautiful. Her life had certainly changed for the better ever since she'd moved to Forks. She'd found good friends, another family and the love of her life. Life had taken a brighter turn for her.

Now, the much awaited spring dance was upon them. Alice and Rosalie had invited her over to get ready with them but she'd turned them down. Partially because in the span of time where she'd known Alice, she had found out that Alice was rather dominating when it came to dressing up. The other reason was simply that she'd already made plans with Angela and Jessica. It was strange how Izzy had come from barely tolerating Jessica to actually liking her. The girl had her flaws but outside her naivety, she wasn't that bad.

For the dance itself, Izzy was more excited then she thought she would be. Maybe it was Jaspers presence that made this event so important. She was going as his date, his girlfriend to be exact.

"Darlin?" Jasper gently, running his hands through her tangled hair. They lay together on the rooftop of her house, Izzy using Jaspers shoulder as a designated pillow.

"Hmmm" she mumbled, snuggling into him.

"What's got you so happy love?" Jasper said, still gently detangling the knots.

"I'm just happy I'm going to the dance with you?" Izzy kiss'd his cheek before settling down in his arms again.

"Believe me darlin the pleasures all mine." He smirked down at her before getting up gently and zapping them to the confines of Izzy's room. Even after nearly two months of Jaspers speed, Izzy still felt disgruntled when she carried her with that speed. Wobbling slightly when he let her go, she plopped down on her bed. She looked up at him in question of the sudden move.

"You're friends are nearly here, I thought it'd be better if they didn't see us on the roof. It would save you unnecessary questions." He grinned at her, knowing exactly what an uproar his presence would cause.

"How thoughtful of you." Izzy rolled her eyes before grasping his forearm, pressing herself to him. "Are you going back home or to hunt?"

"To hunt." He wanted to make sure to be fully in control to enjoy the night to its fullest. "I'll be seeing you soon ma'am."

He tipped his head, before turning around. In a blink of an eye, he was gone.

The next very moment, a car honked. Izzy ran downstairs, knowing exactly who it was. Surely enough, her friends excited faces greeted her. She invited them in, being a polite host and offering them drinks. Her mom would be home later in the evening. She wanted a photo session with Jasper and her. For now she had been gracious enough to leave the house to them, not that she had much choice since an emergency surgery had called her away, but that was besides the point.

Izzy took them to her room and quite literally saw their jaws drop. She had to admit even she thought her room was pretty awesome but seeing their expression made her swell with pride.

"Holy shit!" Jessica roamed around her room.

Angela nodded in agreement, her camera already out as she took pictures of different Knick knacks throughout the house. Just like always her magic camera turned them into aesthetic master pieces. Once their initial shock and worn of they went down to business.

Getting ready with the girls had been fun. They all did their own thing but enjoyed together. They gave each other opinions on what hairstyle would look better or what lip colour would tie the look, they jammed to music and gushed over each other. All in all Izzy had a blast with them. Back in California Izzy had friends but they were never close enough to share these moments with. It was a welcome change. All of Forks had been.

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