The Better Player

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It was now or never, Izzy thought, clinging on to the mood Jasper had created, it helped her think clearly. Right now, perhaps was the moment she needed her wits more than ever. With a hand on the small of her back, Jasper stood next to, trying to hail a cab.

"You don't have to do this." He spoke quietly. The thought of intentionally putting her in harms way was almost too much.

"I know," She tried for a smile. "But I will. This way, we can get it over with and go home."

Jasper looked like he had a lot to say, most of it in protest to her self sacrifice, but instead he chose to remain silent. The strategist in him knew that it was their best shot But nearly every other part of him rebelled against the prospect. Above everything else, he wanted to keep his mate safe at all costs.

"Okay, you just have to keep the tracker distracted for three minutes max, Rosalie will be the first there—" Izzy cut him off with a kiss, pressing her lips squarely against his. She didn't need him to be worrying about her so much, one way or another she'd make sure that the tracker wouldn't leave the building alive-or as alive as he could be after being undead. Jasper looked taken aback by the sudden gesture but responded quickly enough, pulling her closer to him. He wanted to savour this moment, the feeling of knowing she was safe, safe in his arms.

But all to soon, Izzy pulled away. "I know the plan down to the dot. Rosalie will be there in three minutes, since her scent seems to be the one he's least accustomed to. He thinks Edward is my  boyfriend so he's twice as responsive to him, he's naturally cautious of you, he has been chased by Alice and Emmet so  he's probably better aquatinted with their scents too. Rosalie is the best option. It won't take long after that for the rest of you to arrive and until then, Rosalie can keep him occupied. I need to get out of their as quickly as possible, the moment Rosie gets there."

She repeated everything Jasper was going to say in a stretch. The monotony in her voice not going unheard either.

Jasper shook his head at her antics but hugged her again willing himself to let go when a cab finally pulled over. She gave him one last smile and a kiss on the cheek before stepping inside the cab and telling them the address she had already looked up. Izzy could still feel Jaspers lingering presence as she waved him off. Once he was out of view however, Izzy slumped against her seat, her calm melting away to worry and panic. That was to be expected, after all, she was driving to her potential death.

Izzy closed her eyes, taking a steadying breath. She had trust herself and the Cullens. They'd protect her and she's protect herself too. Tonight she would be brave, she'd be cunning and she'd be resourceful because the stakes had never been this high.

The drive was quite, the cabbie had probably sensed her unease and found it best to remain silent after she narrated the address in a near robotic voice. She was grateful, the prospect of having a normal conversation while holding up her front seemed too tiring, specially when she knew she needed all her energetic for keeping up the act for when it really counted.

Once again, Izzy thought about Jasper; cold hands and warm eyes, a roughish smile with a gentle hold. The thought of him put her at ease, almost as well as his gift did. She had faith in him and she had faith in herself.

The cab pulled up sooner than she had anticipated-hoped-, making her reluctantly get out. The cabbie took his payment, asking her to wait for the change even when she told him he could keep it. Secretly, she wanted him to take even longer. The studio was right infront of her, making the reality of the situation all the more obtuse and prevalent.

"Good luck miss." The cabbie called out, after a moment of consideration. "You look like you need it."

"Thank you." Izzy managed a smile, strangely touched at the gesture.

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