Disses and Kisses

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Izzy had made plans with Angela and the rest to go to La push. Izzy had considered inviting Jasper but knowing his aversion to social gatherings and people in general she reconsidered. Instead she opted to just go with her friends, explore the beach and maybe come back with him some other time.

Izzy had hitched a ride with Angela and Eric, despite the rather forceful offers by both Mike and Tyler. Izzy would have refused anyways but seeing Jessica and Emma going with them she had straight up rejected the offer. The car ride with Angela and Eric had been fun, they took turns blasting on different songs and seeing who could sing along the most. Needless to say, Izzy won, though to her surprise Eric was a close second.

When they finally arrived, Eric quickly shuffled to the rest of the guys, changing into his swimwear. Everyone had decided to surf, minus Izzy and Angela. Angela didn't surf while Izzy just wanted to explore this time. Angela offered taking a photo shoot of the girl. Something that Izzy agreed with instantly, who would pass up the offer for a free shoot. Good pictures were always appreciated in Izzy's household.

"Wow" Angela breathed out, showing Izzy the shots

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"Wow" Angela breathed out, showing Izzy the shots.

"Can I sign up to be your model or something" Izzy said, scrolling through the pictures. As usual the pictures were awesome, the frames perfect.

"As if you aren't already" she smacked Izzy lightly before going silent.

Izzy looked at her friend in worry. She'd been like that for the past two days. Unusually quite even for her.

"Are you okay?" Izzy asked her gently.

"Yeah" she replied before sighing when she saw Izzy's look of disbelief. "It's stupid."

"I highly doubt that" Izzy reassured her.

"It's just that I keep thinking Eric is going to ask me out to prom, but he just....doesn't"

"Hey hey hey!" You chanted, grasped her shoulders in encouragement. "You my friend are a strong beauty and independent woman."

"I am?" She questioned and Izzy almost laughed at how innocent she sounded. It was adorable.

" yes you are. You could always ask him out you know. I mean he couldn't be that blind as to say no."

"Yeah" Angela said feeling confident "I can do it. Worse come worse we can go as each other's date."

Izzy laughed at that before nodding her head. She smiled at the other girl's confidence. Izzy did tend to do that to people.  Her words would sometimes unconsciously effect people around her. The same could be said about her dance and singing, people had come up to in the past telling her how when she'd danced or sung, they had been unable to move their eyes away from her, entranced completely by her abilities. It was a gift she supposed.

Her thoughts were brought to a screeching halt when afew men approached her and Angela. They were buff and tan, afew supporting tattoos. All of them were shirtless. As hot as they were, Izzy currently had only on guy in mind so keeping her eyes to herself was an easy task.

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