50 | Epitome of Foolishness

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Blood rushed slowly through the veins near her ears, sounding like Falcon River back home during the dry months of winter. Her pulse was weak, a slow rhythm that almost lulled her to sleep. Time seemed to slow down as if expressly to watch her life drain away.

But she had to stay awake and fight this. The pain that radiated from the gunshot wound in her stomach was worse than any she'd ever felt. Persia had done her best to remove the silver bullet, but the deep hole in her belly was taking a painfully long time to heal. Every breath she took was like torture, but if she closed her eyes, she'd be giving up. And quitting was not something an Alpha ever did.

So Savannah kept her eyes open and watched as Zion held Parthia up by his neck. The Prince was a gruesome sight, with blood streaming all over his face and from his wrist. It dripped to the floor with an unsteady staccato.

What was worse was the image of Zion, head thrown back as he roared with pure agony. Savannah's own heart felt like it was breaking in sympathy with his. Though they hadn't marked each other yet, their bond was stronger than anything she'd experienced before. His emotions washed over her, compounding the ache in her entire body.

"I won't kill you," Zion eventually growled lowly before flinging the Prince to the ground. Parthia crumpled in a heap, shoving his good hand out to brace himself.

"Death would be too merciful," Zion continued, standing over him, "You can go back to your province. Go to your throne and be the king you've always wanted to be. See how much respect your people give you when they see what you truly are."

Persia rushed to her brother's side as he whimpered in pain. It was almost funny to see how pathetic he now was, all his bravado and dominance gone as he cowered in submission to Zion. It was clear who was the stronger wolf, and if Zion really wanted, he could have easily taken over as ruler of the northern province.

Savannah's heart couldn't help swelling at the notion that her mate was the strongest here, as he stood tall above all the other burly and highly skilled wolves. Yet it was the brokenness of his stature that had her heart pounding with hopelessness. He was spent. He was bruised, beaten, weary and through their weak bond she felt the desperation in his soul.

He'd fought so long for justice for his family, and when he finally had it within reach, he realised that it wouldn't change anything.

Killing the Prince wouldn't bring his dead mate back. Nothing could fill the void that her death had imprinted upon his heart. Letting the Prince go had taken more energy and courage than ending him.

And it had left him an empty shell of the man he was before. As Persia and one of her associates carefully carried Parthia from the room, Zion took a shuddering breath and watched them retreat.

Darek and Niko came in a moment later, supporting Cale between them as Ethan carried an unconscious Willow in his arms. Persia paused briefly, looking back over her shoulder at Cale with a frown on her face. Cale, weak and pale from his captivity, inhaled a deep breath and stared wide-eyed at the Princess. His eyes were unfocused, and he ended up shaking his head in bewilderment as Niko continued to drag him over to Savannah and laid him down to rest.

Savannah barely had time to acknowledge the injured state of her Gamma since her focus was entirely on her mate.

Zion was still staring after his half-siblings as they left the building. It was obvious he was shaken from their bloody fight, and he swayed on his feet before collapsing to his knees.

It cut Savannah deep to see him so deflated and lost. "Zion..." she whispered, tasting blood on her lips as it traveled up her throat.

His shoulders tensed at the sound of her voice, but he didn't turn around. With his back to her, she could only sense the turmoil he must be feeling.

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