52 | Token of His Love

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Luna Estelle followed him all the way up and into her mate's office.

Alpha Lucas turned in circles, taking in the room from all angles, the decor and art hanging on the walls, to the columns of bookshelves, and the picturesque view out the bay windows.

"Now this is something I could get used to," he commented, sharing a pleased look with one of his close advisors before turning back to the floor to ceiling windows. The scenic countryside beyond was bathed in golden sunlight, the hues of jade, forest and sage melding into a patchwork of harmony.

"Excuse me?" Estelle gasped, once more shocked at the way the Alpha of Black Halo commandeered the situation. When he sat in Alistair's rich, leather chair, leaned back and rubbed the armrests comfortably, she thought she might rupture an aneurysm. No one dared lay even a finger on Lord Alistair's sacred desk, let alone claim his chair so brazenly. Alpha or not, this man needed to understand his place.

"Oh my." Lucas suddenly looked up from where he was flipping through binders and documents. "Did your dear, departed mate not tell you?"

Estelle's breath caught in her throat. Losing her mate, the other half of her soul, in such tragic and shameful circumstances had been horrible enough. What could Alpha Lucas say that would hurt her any more? "Tell me what?" she asked, her curiosity burning despite her better judgement.

"Lord Alistair--bless his soul--and I made an agreement a while ago," Lucas began explaining, lifting his hand and waving it as if this was a trivial matter, while the Luna's heart began pounding with an awful sense of foreboding. "If anything were to happen to him and his sons, I would be kind enough to step in and take care of things for you."

"Step in? Take care of things?" Estelle repeated, the words sounding like clanging cymbals in her ears.

"Hmm. To put it more bluntly," Lucas added, rising from the chair like a king standing to issue a proclamation. His broad shoulders and tall stature served to fill the atmosphere of the office, making it appear smaller than Estelle had ever noticed. His lips lifted in a small yet darkly sinister smile. "I would take control of the pack."

Estelle swayed on her feet, wishing she hadn't heard right. "Take... control?"

Lucas' smirk slipped, an impatient frown instead taking its place. "Do be a dear and listen to me the first time I say something. Here is the document, signed by your own mate, giving me full control of Villawood land, members, and monies in case of his death and sons' absence."

"But Finley--"

"Isn't on the territory."

Estelle grasped for the piece of paper Lucas had pulled from a file on her mate's desk. It was indeed signed by her husband, and formally handed over all rights of Alistair's possessions to Alpha Lucas of Black Halo. How had she not known about this? These past few weeks, she'd been finding out many things her mate had kept from her, and a wave of anger collided with the grief that had been suffocating her since his death.

"Then what about Merrick? He is only eleven..." She thought of her second son, of all the hopes and dreams he had of serving his people in whatever capacity befit him. It was clear from a young age that he had more strength and leadership qualities than his older brother.

"Oh, he can have the pack when he comes of age," Lucas replied blandly. "That is," he added, holding Estelle's gaze with dark, swirling eyes that hinted at amusement, "if he wishes to challenge me for the position of Alpha."


"Must you repeat everything I say, woman?" Lucas growled, his calm facade cracking to show the irritation simmering underneath. "Yes, a challenge. Duel to the death. Struggle for power. Hostile takeover or impeachment. Whatever you like to call it around here."

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