59 | Back To Me

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Savannah slowly opened her eyes, basking in the warmth that surrounded her. Taking a deep breath, she struggled and felt a weight on her chest. Panic never entered her mind as she instinctively knew she was safe. The feeling of her mate wrapped around her, his head resting on her chest, was better than any air she might need. Looking down at his golden brown curls, she smiled and patted his rough, stubbled cheek with one hand while wrapping her other arm around his shoulders.

At her movement, Zion stirred and looked up at her lazily. Blinking slowly, he trained his hazel eyes on her brown ones. "Good morning, my little Alpha."

"You didn't get up early to see the sunrise," she murmured, hating to break the stillness that permeated the peaceful atmosphere cocooning them.

"I can watch my sunrise from right here," he replied, eyes never leaving hers. He tightened his arms around her as if to prove his point.

Tilting her head back, she noted the window was too high to see the sunrise from their bed. When she looked back at her mate in confusion, he smiled.

"You are my sunrise, Savannah. For so long, I lived in darkness. I was bitter and lonely even with my family surrounding me. But then I found you. You dawned on my horizon with more light than I knew what to do with," he explained in a dreamy voice.

Memories of their night together, of his whispered vows of love he'd made over and over as they consummated their bond, replayed in her mind like a tiny taste of heaven. He'd consumed her world, given her more than she had ever dreamed of, and she couldn't be happier.

Zion placed tiny kisses on her jaw while continuing to whisper, "I ran from you for a while, afraid your goodness would only highlight how rebellious and broken I'd become. But you never gave up on me. Like the sun, you kept rising, kept pursuing me, until I finally faced you and let you heal me. You filled every crack in my broken heart. You melted the anger and hate that had turned my heart cold. Your warmth and love have given hope to my soul. I'm no longer staring into darkness, but a glorious morning. To me, you are like a perfect summer's day. I'll never let you go, Savannah. You're my sun that will never set. Our love will only ever burn brighter each day of our future together."

To confirm his vow, he leaned over her and kissed her tenderly yet passionately.

The young Alpha was speechless after hearing her mate's eloquent and deeply emotional speech. Staring into his eyes as he wove words of promise and fulfillment around her had a way of mesmerising her completely. "Well..." she began, "if I'm the sun on your horizon, you're the one that's broadened my own horizons" Taking a deep breath, she gathered courage before baring her soul. "All my life I've viewed rogues as being hopeless wretches without any worth or value. I used to enjoy patrolling the border and killing any that dared get close to my pack. But you showed me how you're just like us pack wolves, deep down. You have so much potential, and so much to give. You made me learn how to forgive and love despite all the mistakes you've made. By repenting, you showed how much you truly wanted to change and begin everything over with my family by your side. I'll never stop loving you, Zion." Reaching up, she gripped his face between her hands to make sure he saw the depth of her promise in her eyes. "You'll always have a home to come back to if you lose your way. Just make sure no matter how far you go, you'll find your way back to me."

He smiled, a brilliant smile that shone brighter than any sunrise. "I will, don't worry. I could never stray from the most gorgeous Alpha on all the continents and islands." He kissed her nose while squeezing her waist.

His hands were hot against her bare skin, and sent a spiralling fire all the way to the very core of her being. Rolling on top of him, she pinned him to the bed and smiled with a smirk on her lips. Her fingers skimmed over his hard chest, and she noted the way his skin rippled with goosebumps. She kissed a few of the scars that painted his skin, reminders of the torture he'd endured from elizenthium and other barbaric means. "You better not. And I know just how to make sure of it."

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