33 | Only The Best

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"I really don't think we're going to find it, Vannah," Emerald soothed, her voice soft yet firm.

"It has to be here somewhere," Savannah plowed on through the forested trail, her eyes glued to the leaf-covered ground, her heart refusing to believe the promise necklace from Zion was lost. It was the only gift he'd given her, and she had wanted to cherish it forever no matter how many miles and burnt bridges lay between them.

"What did it look like again?" Emerald asked for the tenth time, impatience edging her voice. She'd been searching with Savannah all morning, though this wasn't the way she'd pictured spending her first day after finding her mate. But she'd do anything for her sister, and helping her look for her lost necklace from her own mate was more important right now.

"It was a gold flower with seven perfect petals and a crystal in the centre. It was... perfect," Savannah paused in the path she'd walked with Justin the day before, her fingers coming up to touch her bare neck between her clavicles, remembering the feel of Zion's fingers as he'd laid it against her skin. His promise echoed like a whisper in her mind.

I offer you this, a promise... Perfect. Just like you.

"You crossed miles of territory yesterday, Savannah. Not to mention swimming in the lake. It could have come off in any number of places, and I really don't think we're going to find it," Emerald said, always so practical yet her words holding a touch of sympathy. "I'm sorry. I can only imagine how much it meant to you," she laid a hand on her sister's shoulder when she noticed the tears gathering in Savannah's eyes.

The Alpha blinked them back and gave her sister a brave smile. "It's okay. Maybe it's better this way. Don't want to grow too attached to someone I'll never have, right?"

"I wouldn't be so pessimistic about it. After all, Phoenix has decided to turn his life around," Emerald's eyes dropped, a small smile tugging on her pretty lips. "If what you said is true of him, he's come a long way already."

Looking up and towards the pack house, she watched as her mate trained alongside her dad, Justin, Cale, and other warriors. He had soaked up the teaching of pack ways from Kaiden and the other strong men in the pack, eager to learn all about her way of life and how to change his to fit in. He'd been burnt by packs before, hurt by uncaring and arrogant Alphas, so it was refreshing to be amongst honest, helpful pack wolves. Emerald glowed when he sent her a wink across the distance between them.

"You're right," Savannah conceded, disappointment blooming in her stomach and spreading to her extremities. Taking one last look at the lake through the trees, she tried to shove into a box the sadness of losing the necklaces, and instead remembering the memories she had of her mate.

Yet besides all that, she still felt sick to the stomach since hearing what happened to their hard-earned money and investments. All thanks to Zion and his unruly gang of rogues, they'd lost thousands of dollars. Stolen. Gone. Victimised by rogues who hadn't even had to enter the territory and creep past the highly trained border guards.

"Girl! You're back and didn't tell me!"

A whirlwind rushed towards them, and Savannah found herself knocked to the ground, smothered by a bear hug.

"Good to see you too, Petrinna," she thumped her friend on the back after she pushed herself to her feet and was sure of standing again.

The shorter shewolf bounced on her toes, a bright smile splitting her face. Petrinna was a couple years younger than the Alpha, with curly dark blond hair and freckles dusting her golden complexion. After losing her mother in a tragic house fire on the neighbouring territory, she'd been distraught.

The Alpha's Rogue ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang