Special Agent - Part 1 - Sherlock x Reader

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"Special agent (Y/l/n). The Director would like to see you." A voice called out as (Y/n) looked up from her work, to see agent Walker stood in the doorway to her office.

"The Director wants to see me? Why?" (Y/n) asked the man in front of her, as she closed the file that she had been working on.

"Yes, ma'am, I think it's something to do with this exchange with New Scotland Yard." The agent informed her, as (Y/n) got up from her desk.

"Thanks Steve, I'll be right there." (Y/n) replied, the agent nodding before turning and making his way out of the room.

A (Y/n) made her way to the directors' office, she thought about the exchange. She knew about it of course; she had been the one to suggest it originally. Co-operation between the FBI and the famous New Scotland Yard in London, England. An exchange of personnel, of ideas. A chance to see how things work across the pond. A chance to learn new techniques, gain knowledge, and maybe after all that work, have a little fun. Because who wouldn't want a trip to jolly old England.

Knocking on the director's door, she heard a loud "ENTER!". (Y/n) straightening her jacket, before she pushed her way through the large wooden door.

"Ah, Special agent (Y/l/n), come in, good to see you. Please take a seat." The director said, motioning for her to the seat in front of him.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yes indeed, it's concerning the exchange between ourselves and New Scotland Yard. As you know, your suggestion was approved by the powers that be, and agents will be flying over to England in two weeks' time. And we want you to be one of those agents." The director informed her. A subtle smile pulling at his lips as he saw the confused look on (Y/n)'s face.

"Me? But why me sir?" (Y/n) enquired. Knowing that she had never intended to make the trip personally. She always had too much to do. The pile of paperwork on her desk never seeming to diminish, no matter how many cases she actually closed.

"(Y/n). You are possibly the best agent we have in the Behavioural Science Unit. You have assisted in the apprehension of a number of violent criminals and serial killers. And your deductive and analytical powers are second to none. So, who better to send to show Scotland Yard what the FBI can really do?" The director chuckled, as he leaned back in his large chair.

"Plus, you've earned this (Y/n). Your exceptional work on the Cross road killer case the other month, further proved to me and your superiors that you are suited for promotion to head of department. So, we thought a little holiday would do you the world of good before you start your new job. Congratulations." The director continued, (Y/n) staring at him in disbelief.

Promotion to head of department? It was something that she had been working towards for years, but it was unheard of for someone of her age, to actually achieve the position. Thought that said, her efforts were now seeming to be rewarded. After all, the FBI and the Behavioural Science Unit in particular, were her life. She had dedicated herself to the location and apprehension of killers. To trying to understand what made these people tick. And in some way, try to stop them before they began their killing sprees. So maybe the Director was right. Maybe a little trip would do her good. A chance to see if she could learn something new before the real work began. She had to face it, if she was going to become the head of department, that pile of papers on her desk was only gonna get bigger. Her workload increase. So, what the hell. (Y/n) had always wanted to see the Tower of London. The British Museum. To see the streets that one of the world's most infamous serial killers had once haunted.

"So, what do you say, (Y/n)?" The director enquired, smiling as (Y/n) slowly nodded.

"I say, let's go show the English what the FBI can do." (Y/n) replied. The director shaking her hand firmly, as the two spoke about plans for the exchange.


"Well? Are you coming, or not?" John asked. Looking over at Sherlock who was mussing in his chair.

"Am I coming to what." Sherlock replied. Only really half listening to what John had been saying.

"Sherlock. You have been complaining about this for the last two weeks. As soon as Lestrade told you that experts were coming over from Virginia, you started whining on and on about the FBI not having anyone that could rival your deductive powers. That you could show them what it really was to solve crimes. That if you were in charge of the FBI, they wouldn't need all their fancy equipment, only sound reasoning and a brain. So, Lestrade told us that we should go and meet the delegation when they arrived today. That you should come and size up your competition. To which, you replied, that you have no competition, and you would be delighted to meet the agents, so that you could show them what a real detective looks like." John informed the consulting detective. Rolling his eyes as Sherlock looked up at him. Sherlock not actually remembering that he had said any of that. Sure that if he had, he had had a thousand and one more interesting things to think about since that moment.

"So? Are you coming or not?" John asked again, as he placed his jacket around his shoulders. Sighing in frustration as Sherlock slowly and reluctantly rose from his chair.

"I suppose. But only as I have nothing better to do." Sherlock replied, as John threw his large dark coat at him, and pushed the detective through the door of the flat. Sherlock grumbling, as they made their way out of the home and onto the streets of London. John hailing a black cab and informed the driver that they wished to be taken to Heathrow.


The agents made their way to international baggage claim. (Y/n), as one of the most senior agents there, directing the others. Making her feel like a schoolteacher that had a class full of unruly children that she had had to take on an excursion for the day. Though thankfully the eight hour flight had not been as bad as she had thought it might be. But that said, she would still be happy to get to the hotel and have a moments peace to herself, before the real work began tomorrow at Scotland Yard. Yet before she could relax and take a shower, they had to meet up with a guy called, Lestrade.

"(Y/n)." A voice called out. (Y/n) turning to see Special Agent O'Connell, gesturing to her to follow him out into the arrivals area.

"Detective Inspector Lestrade. I would like you to meet the soon to be head of our behavioural science unit at Quantico, Special Agent (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n). (Y/n), this is Greg Lestrade." O'Connell introduced. (Y/n) smiling, as the handsome, salt and pepper haired man, shook her hand. The detective smiling warmly back at her. Greg not ever expecting that one of the agents that would arrive would be quite so beautiful.

"It's a delight to meet you, Special agent. I hope that we will be able to get better acquainted while you are here. I look forward to hearing about all the advances that your department has made." Greg said. Groaning and rolling his eyes as he heard a grumble from behind him. The inspector knowing full well, that it could only have come from one man.

"And this is Doctor John Watson, accompanied, unfortunately, by the less than subtle Mister Sherlock Holmes. Consulting Detective" Greg introduced. John smiling as he took the agents hand and shook it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Doctor Watson. Though I didn't know that I would be lucky enough to meet you, or Mister Holmes on this trip. I am actually a big fan of your blogs. I read them all the time." (Y/n) said. Smiling at the slightly blushing doctor.

"Oh.....er......thank you. I didn't know that my blogs were on the reading list for the FBI." John chuckled. Noticing that Sherlock was studying the woman before him, intently.

"It's not. I just find your stories about Mister Holmes and his cases, interesting. The way you talk about your.......well your adventures, I find quite entertaining. I must admit that I find his deductions almost childlike in their simplicity. But still, they have an entertainment value............."

"Entertaining? Childlike? Simplicity? I will have you know; my cases are not solved for your amusement. They are not adventures. My cases are resolved with serious deductive reasoning. I seriously doubt that you could solve even one of my cases........Special agent." Sherlock interrupted with an indignant hiss. As he moved to stand before (Y/n). Greg and John suddenly getting the idea, that Sherlock was now going to have to prove himself.  

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