Our American cousins - Part 4 - Mycroft x Reader

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Final part of this imagine. I hope that you all enjoy it. 

(Y/n) looked in the full length mirror as her mother, aunt Martha, Mary Watson and some others flitted around the room frantically. The long white dress was something that she thought that she would never wear. This situation in general, was something that she thought would never happen to her. Up until she had met Mycroft, she had always been married to the service. Married to her job. Her thoughts focused on work and very little else. But despite the oldest Holmes brother's reputation of being cold and aloof. As seeing those around him as little more than mindless, brainless goldfish. With her, he was different. Never hiding his passion when they were together. If she had tried to tell other people about the Mycroft that she knew, they would probably have laughed at her. Not believing for one moment that the Iceman, could have a hidden fire. But he did. And in the right hands. Her hands. That fire could be a raging inferno.

(Y/n) sighed as she turned her attention from her image to the chaos going on behind her. If she didn't know better, she would have said that it was all the others that were about to marry, and not her. Her mother and aunt fussing and clucking like a pair of old chickens on the farm. The only one having any kind of level head. The only one keeping her sane, being John's wife Mary, who had graciously agreed to be her matron of honour. The former assassin, now nurse, able to sympathise with all the Holmes chaos that a wedding such as this involved. Yet, it was never destined to be a normal wedding. Not just because she was marrying a Holmes, but because the guest list included senators, statesmen, politicians, numerous dignitaries, and several Colonels and Generals. (Y/n) sure that between her and Mycroft, this wedding was better guarded than the President himself.

"You look beautiful, (Y/n)." Mary said softly. Placing a reassuring hand on her arm.

"Thank you. I did try and talk Mycroft into letting me wear my dress uniform. But he's an old fashioned thing, and quite a romantic when you break through that hard shell of his. He would keep insisting that I wear the traditional white dress, saying that it would be the only chance I had to do it, as he had no intention of ever letting me go." (Y/n) replied with a soft chuckle. Mary still finding it hard to believe that under that icy glare of the older Holmes, there could beat a soft heart.

"I swear that you are the only one around here that doesn't look like they are getting married, (Y/n). I was a nervous wreck when I married John. Yet you seem so calm. How are you doing it?" Mary asked as she help adjust (Y/n)'s veil.

"I don't know. I suppose I should be. But I am marrying Mycroft, so I am pretty sure that nothing and no one would dare do anything wrong. I just don't feel the need to be nervous. I knew from the moment I saw him that he was the one. That deep down inside, I was sure that he and I would be together. It's taken a lot of hard work to get to this point, and now I just want to be Misses Holmes." (Y/n) confessed, as her mind filled with all the strings that she and Mycroft had had to pull. All the favours they had called in. How she had had to talk to her mother and father. The President. How they had finally persuaded her people to give her a role in the Ambassadors office. The long awaited arrival of (Y/n) back on the shores of Blighty, actually bringing a tear to Mycroft's eye as he and the Ambassadorial entourage had met her at Heathrow. And since then, they had spent every moment they could together. Getting to know one another better. Both quicky seeing that they never wanted to be apart again. That her move to London had been the right thing to do.

Within a few months of her taking up her new position, Mycroft had decided that it was only right, as he so old fashionedly put it, that he should make an honest woman of her. That marriage was, in his eyes at least, the next logical step. And that exiting Winfield House every morning, after staying with (Y/n) the night before. Getting knowing looks from the staff, was a little undignified for a Holmes. It far better that they should be man and wife in a wonderful little place that he had managed to find for them both. A place that was not too far from where both of them would spend their working days. (Y/n) had to admit that she hadn't been able to stop herself from laughing at Mycroft's strange proposal and his reasoning. But it wasn't him to get down on one knee and ask her the tradition way. It would have been far too "goldfish" for him. And who was she to expect anything else? She loved Mycroft. She loved a Holmes. And (Y/n) had quickly learnt that the Holmes boys never did anything like anyone else.

But the one thing that she had been surprised about, was how well Sherlock seemed to take to her. Mycroft had only informed his brother of their relationship, when she had come to take up her role helping her uncle with his Ambassadorial duties. When he had taken her to Baker Street to meet the famous consulting detective. (Y/n) had expected many things from Sherlock. She had expected to be ignored. Talked down to. Deduced. And downright insulted. Yet even though he had indeed used his considerable observation skills, to let her know that he knew everything there was to know about her. Instead of doing anything else, Sherlock had actually smiled at her. Spoken to her. Even hugged her a little as she and Mycroft had left the apartment. The younger Holmes agreeing to be Mycroft's best man. Mycroft assuring (Y/n) that what transpired at the Watson marriage, would certainly not be happening at theirs. And he would ensure that Sherlock was on his best behaviour.

"(Y/n)." A voice suddenly came. (Y/n) smiling, as there in the now open doorway stood the very man that she had been thinking of.

"Could I have a word with you in private for one moment?" Sherlock asked. (Y/n) nodding as she indicated for the mass of woman that had surrounded her, to give her and Sherlock a few moments of peace.

"You look very handsome, Sherlock. I am so glad that you agreed to be Mycroft's best man. I know that he won't tell you, but it means so much to him." (Y/n) said as she made her way over to the detective and straightened his cravat.

"I.......I have something for you, (Y/n). It was our mothers. I am aware of the something old, something new. Something borrowed and something blue tradition of the wedding ceremony. So, I had hoped that you would wear this as your something old." Sherlock explained, as he handed her a small velvet box. (Y/n) smile getting even wider, as she opened it to reveal a beautiful golden brooch in the shape of a posey of flowers. A single diamond at the centre of each bloom.

"Oh Sherlock, its beautiful. Thank you. I love it. Would you put it on for me?" (Y/n) told him. Handing Sherlock, the something old.

"I'll look after him, you know that don't you, Sherlock? I'll never hurt him. And I promise that I'll always love him.......and you. Brother." (Y/n) said, as Sherlock fastened the pin in place.

"I know, (Y/n). I knew that as soon as you set foot in my flat. Now I better leave you. I believe that your father will be here in a moment, and I should be with Mycroft. I will see you at the altar. Sister." Sherlock replied. Placing a soft kiss on her cheek, before making his way out of the door. (Y/n) knowing that that was Sherlock's way of saying welcome to the family.

"Are you ready?" (Y/n)'s father asked as he entered the room. The old soldier followed by her mother and all the other women. Mary helping (Y/n) lower her veil over her face and handing her, her bouquet.

"Yes sir." (Y/n) replied, as she took her father's arm. All the others scurrying to take their seats as the music began, and the doors to the large hall swung open. The amassed dignitaries, family, friends, and her husband to be, turning to look as she and her father made their way down the aisle. The General presenting his daughter to Mycroft, as the pair reached where he and Sherlock stood.

"Are you ready to be Misses Holmes, (Y/n)?" Mycroft asked, as he took (Y/n)'s hand in his.

"I've never been more ready for anything, Mycroft." (Y/n) replied as the ceremony began. The two Holmes boys knowing that this American cousin would change both their worlds.  

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