By any other name - Part 12 - Sherlock x John x Reader

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(Y/n) looked down at the envelope in her hand. She had said all that she wanted to say to Mycroft when he had come up to the Cotswolds and found her at the surgery. She had hoped that Mycroft had said all that he had needed to, too. But it was now obvious that he hadn't. That if he couldn't be there when she and Dante turned up, he would just write her a note instead.

A part of her didn't want to open the letter. A part of her wanted to just scrunch it up and throw it into the nearest bin. To tear it into pieces and forget that Sherlock had even give it to her. But then another part of her wanted to know what Mycroft had to say. Whether he would be trying to beg for another chance, or informing her that he would do as she had asked him, and stay away. The doctor shaking her head, as she recalled that Mycroft had always told her that she could never fight her curiosity. That she always had to know. (Y/n) slowly turning the envelope and pushing her finger under the flap, using it to rip open the mail. The doctor doing her best to control her nerves, as she pulled out the letter inside.

She knew that it was silly, it was just a note from Mycroft, not something that would tell her that the world was going to end; but still, she felt a sense of anxiety. Her heart beating just that little quicker, as she unfolded the letter.

"My dearest (Y/n).

I know there is little point in apologising for what I did all those years ago; and I doubt that you would believe it, or except it, even if I were to try. But I do hope that you will believe me when I say that I did not deserve to be part of your life. That I never truly appreciated what I had with you; nor that I lost so much more than I could ever have imagined, when you rightfully left.

Given this, I will respect your request and will not interfere in your life or that of Dante. Though I do ask something of you in return; that you allow me to pay for my son's education at Oxford. I have set up a trust fund for Dante, and made you the trustee to ensure that he wants for nothing; that, and you and he are now the main beneficiaries in my will. I am aware that it is not much when compared to the seventeen years of his life that I have missed; to the seventeen years that you had to raise our son alone. But I hope that you will accept the gesture; that you will allow me to do this, for the both of you. That you allow me to be a man, and take responsibility as I should have done all those year ago. And I hope that you will take back something that has always rightfully belonged to you.


(Y/n) couldn't help but let the tears roll down her cheeks, as she read the words on the paper. The tears turning into a sob, as she looked in the envelope, and saw the ring that she had left on the pillow the night that she had walked away from the older Holmes. The golden band looking up at her, as she dropped it into her palm.

She hadn't wanted to leave Mycroft, she had truly loved him, and it had been the hardest decision that she had ever had to make, to leave him. If she could turn back the clock, she would have brushed all his damn work from the desk; she would have grabbed him and made him listen to what she had to say. But she couldn't turn back the clock. She couldn't do what she probably should have done. So perhaps she did owe him this chance. A chance to feel that he had contributed a little to his son's life. That he was a father.

"Mom...............!?" The voice of Dante suddenly came. The concern evident in his tone. (Y/n) wiping away the tears and pushing the letter and ring into her pocket, as her son came to join her; taking her hands in his.


"Its nothing...........I........I'm sorry. Please forgive me Doctor Watson, Mister Holmes. Something...........just came over me............" (Y/n) tried to explained, as John came to join her and Dante.

"Maybe I should check you over............."

"No, I'm fine.................."

"Mom, please..............." Dante begged, the young man sure that he had never seen his mother like this before.

"Alright...............but really, I'm fine.............(Y/n) assured. John glancing to Sherlock, before beginning to look over his fellow doctor.

"Perhaps you would like to see my latest experiment...........?" Sherlock said, gesturing for Dante to follow him. His mother giving him a reassuring smile, as he got to his feet and followed after the consulting detective.

"Really, there is no need, John. I am quite well. I just read something that upset me a little. There is nothing wrong................."

"Is it something that I can help with..............?"

"No.............I just have to speak to Mycroft. But that will have to wait. I don't want to spoil this for Dante. Now, perhaps we should join them. I hate to think what kind of experiment Sherlock is showing him now............." (Y/n) told him. John helping her up from the seat; the pair off to find the younger Holmes and his nephew. 

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