The wrong one - Part 5 - Moriarty x Reader

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"Aren't you hungry? I had one of my men go to that little café especially for you. I had been told that it was your favourite." James informed the younger Lestrade, as he took a seat. Watching as she used her fork to pick at the breakfast.

"I seem to have lost my appetite. In fact, I think if I ever see this again, I might just be sick." (Y/n) replied, as she dropped the fork and pushed away the plate. The detective seeming to think for a moment before looking up at him.

"Seriously, why would you waste so much effort in having me watched? Surly there must be easier and quicker ways to get to Sherlock. Because, let's face it, he's the only one that you are really concerned about. He's the one that you want to prove to the world that you are smarter than. So, why drag me into this? I mean, apart from the fact that I am a police officer, and my last name is Lestrade, I have no other connection to you or with the crimes that you have been involved with. And just out of interest, what do you plan on doing with me if or when this little kidnapping does bring Sherlock to you?" (Y/n) asked, as she stared at the softly smiling consulting criminal. James slowly unbuttoning his jacket button and making himself a little more comfortable.

"I don't think for one moment that having you watched was a waste of effort or time. And I also think that you are the absolute best way to get to Sherlock. Not even he could be blind to how beautiful you are, Detective Lestrade. How quite perfect you are, even in this situation. And I am positive that he is more than a little intrigued by you. With your intelligence, and the way that your mind works. After all, I myself have noticed all those things. And you are most definitely more than a police officer. More than you appear. More than you would like me to believe. And to answer your last question, I had not really decided before I met you what I would do with you when you had drawn Sherlock out. I had thought that perhaps I would just dispose of you. I mean, no one would notice one less police officer. Or maybe even just send you back to your little life once I had what I wanted. But now, now things have completely changed. Now I think that I will keep you with me............."

"You can't do can't keep me here!" (Y/n) protested, as she jumped to her feet and quickly made her way over to where Moriarty himself now stood. The consulting criminal, refastening his jacket button.

"I think that you will find that you have no choice, detective. You aren't in any position to say what I can and cannot do. As you keep pointing out, you are my prisoner. And your sentence is far from over. So, I would suggest that you make yourself comfortable." James retorted. Moriarty smiling softly as she glared at him. The Napoleon of Crime loving the mixture of hatred and intrigue that lay behind her beautiful orbs. The fire there, greater than he had ever seen before.

Once he had told Sherlock, that no one ever got to him, and no one ever would. Yet, as he stood close to the detective, he was beginning to see that that had been a lie. That the younger Lestrade had already found her way to him without meaning to. And he had let her. His brows furrowing slightly, as the woman in front of him began to laugh. A mocking snicker, that James was sure that he liked.

"I know what it is. I know why you wasted so much time in having me followed. Why you would go out of your way to have my favourite breakfast brought here. Why you think that its me that can draw Sherlock out.............." (Y/n) chuckled, as she began to circle the consulting criminal.

"You think that Sherlock and I are............. intimate. That I have been the one to crack the cold heart of your nemesis. And're jealous. You don't like Sherlock having anything that you don't. You're just a spoilt, petulant little child, that doesn't like to see others with pretty things. A child that always wants the biggest and the best. And throws a tantrum when he believes that he has been outdone." (Y/n) continued, as she stopped. The detective now standing toe to toe with the consulting criminal. (Y/n) reaching up her hand, and delicately placing it on Moriarty's cheek. His eyes closing, as she gently stroked his flesh.

"Would you like me to tell you what he's like? What the virgin can really do for a woman like me. How he makes me scream and moan, as we roll around in his bed. How he can make me beg him not to stop? Would you like to know all the things that he can do to me, that you will never get the chance to do? All the sinful little things that you can only imagine..........." (Y/n) cooed softly, as he lips ghosted over James'. James finding himself nodding, as he realised that he would give anything to take this woman away from Sherlock. That he would love to see the consulting detectives face, when he saw that (Y/n) was now with him.

"Well.........I'm not going to tell you, and you will never have what Sherlock can have. Now, why don't you just take yourself and your Westwood suit and leave me alone." The detective informed him disdainfully, as her hand pulled away from his cheek. James' eyes flying open as she backed away. The consulting criminal grabbing at her and pulling her back towards him. His lips crashing into hers. (Y/n) unable to stop a deep, needy moan from leaving her lips, as his lips moved to her neck. His fingers reaching into her hair and gripping it tightly, as he whispered into her ear.

"I will have you in ways that Sherlock never has. And when he comes to find you, I'll show him that you are mine.........You won't even be able to remember his name when I'm finished with you." Moriarty hummed, before his lips kissed her neck again. A wicked grin pulling at the corners of his lips, as he released her from his grasp and made his way to the door. (Y/n) dropping into the chair behind her. Not sure whether her little gamble had just made things worse for her, or not. 

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