Pitter patter - Part 2 - John x Mary x Sherlock x Reader

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(Y/n) and Mary sat in the bathroom. The nurse had let the detective do what she needed to do with the test, and then re-joined her. Mary perching herself on the edge of the bath, while (Y/n) sat on the closed lid of the toilet. Both women waiting for the timer on the detective's phone to sound.

"So...............you and Sherlock....................?" Mary said, as she looked over at (Y/n). (Y/n) simply nodding in agreement.

"Yep...........me and Sherlock. Hard to believe, isn't it? When he kissed me the first time, I actually thought that I was dreaming, or something. That, or I was hallucinating because of one of his experiments. That just like he did with John, he had slipped something into my morning coffee. But then he did it again and..............well, one thing led to another, and here we are. I never thought for a moment that anything would ever happen between he and I. I mean, I had always thought that Sherlock was handsome. That despite himself, he could be quite nice when he wasn't being annoying. But give all that spiel he talks about sentiment, and his seeming dislike for feelings, I never really thought about anything beyond that. I admire his mind you see, not always the way he goes about things. How he treats others and just blurts out all their deepest, darkest secrets for all to hear; but how he can see things that others can't. How he picks up on cues and signs that we don't. How he interprets them and uses them to solve his cases. And that was one of the reasons why I originally moved in. The other, because by the time he had asked me, I had already fallen in love. For a while, even though we were sharing the same bed and everything, I just thought it would always be a one-sided thing. That Sherlock could never.............would never feel the same; or at least not be willing to say anything, anyway. But then one night............after he had been sat in his chair..........just there in his mind palace for two whole day. Not seeming to move an inch. He just opened his eyes, got to his feet, made his way over to me, dropped to his knees and said, "I love you, (Y/n)!" Just like that. No warning. No nothing. Just an, I love you, with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen him smile. I mean, I'm not going to claim that everything has been easy. Not going to say that my life is now all sunshine and lollipops. After all, Sherlock is still Sherlock, and relationships, anyone's relationship takes time, work and understanding. And there have been a few hiccups along the way; but..........................." (Y/n) explained, as she looked down at the back of her phone, sure that the five minutes must have been over some time ago. Her eyes moving to Mary, as the former assassin took her hand and squeezed it gently.

"I know what many people think about Sherlock, Mary. That he is tactless, manipulative, has a blatant disregard for other people's thoughts and feelings and cares nothing for rules and etiquette. But with me, he..........he isn't like that. He doesn't show many people, but he really does care, you know. He is quite protective when it comes down to it. He cares for Misses Hudson, Greg and Mycroft, despite how they talk to one another. He cares for John deeply and for you and Rosamund too. He is actually quite sweet when he is talking about all of you. I................I just hope that he has room in his heart for one more person if this test is positive. Because.............I don't know what I'll do without him........................" The female detective added. Sniffing and wiping away a few of the tears that had begun to slowly trickle down her cheeks. Mary helping her to her feet and pulling (Y/n) into her arms.

"Everything will be ok, (Y/n) I promise. And even if something does go wrong, John and I will always be here for you." Mary assured. The two women looking at the phone, as the alarm finally sounded.

"Well.............moment of truth." The nurse added, as (Y/n) pulled away and turned off the alarm, before picking up the test stick and turning it over.


John looked at his watch for what felt like the hundredth time since Mary and (Y/n) had gone upstairs. Sure, that the pair had been gone for what felt like an hour.

He had to admit that a little part of him was still shocked by the fact that (Y/n), and Sherlock were together. That his friend had finally opened up his heart to the possibility of love. But even though he and Mary had laughed about the idea of them actually being together, he had always thought it was just that, a joke. But, another part, the bigger part, was overjoyed for his old friend. Sherlock deserved someone that loved him. Someone that he could love in return. And as far as John was concerned, (Y/n) was perfect for the younger Holmes.

But a baby? Even if Sherlock did love (Y/n), how would he handle a baby? Because John knew from experience, that children made noise and smells. Although, given that some of Sherlock's experiments could stink out the whole street, never mind the house, he probably wouldn't notice the smell of a dirty nappy. Though a little Holmes would mean that there might not be any more experiments in the flat. That Sherlock wouldn't be able to shoot holes in the wall when he was bored. That he wouldn't be able to keep any more body parts in the fridge. John stopping and smiling to himself, as he realised that having a little one around might just be very good for Sherlock. His smile getting bigger as he thought about the younger Holmes telling his brother that he was going to be an uncle. The doctor hoping though, that if (Y/n) was pregnant, the baby would be more like her than the Holmes boys.

"John." A voice came. The doctor looking up and smiling, as Mary and (Y/n) made their way back into the room. John finding himself wishing that he could be like his friend and be able to read people; because at this moment, he was finding that the two women's expressions were giving nothing away.

"Well............what is it................?" John asked. Finding himself becoming quite excited to know the answer. (Y/n) looking at Mary who gave her a nod and smiled. The detective handing John the test stick. His eyes growing wide as he turned it over. 

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