By any other name - Part 11 - John x Sherlock x Reader

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"And whom do we have here..........?" A cheery voice enquired, as the door to 221B was opened. (Y/n) recognising the older woman that had opened the door for her when she had come calling on the doctor and younger Holmes the week before. The female doctor hoping that she wouldn't make comment about her previous visit.

All the way down from the Cotswolds, Dante had been able to do nothing but talk about Doctor Watson and Sherlock; about his cases and how the consulting detective had been able to solve the unsolvable, with only the barest of clues that no one else would even pick up on. How he wished that he could do such things. Could deduce so much about people, by just looking at them. And in a way, his enthusiasm had been infectious.

Dante was usually such a quiet young man, not prone to such shows of overt excitement. Even from being little, (Y/n) was sure that he had seen himself as the man of the house, and he had always done what he could to help her; to look after her. So, to have him show such a childlike joy at the notion of meeting the doctor and detective, took her back to the days when he still believed in Santa; and the female doctor couldn't help but smile, as the limousine had made its way down the motorway.

She had to admit that from the short interaction that she had had with John Watson, she sensed that he was a good man, and that she shouldn't blame him for Mycroft's machinations. That just like everyone else involved in all of this, he was a pawn in the older Holmes' little game. And as for Sherlock, well............she had to say that she had got the slightest sense of delight about slapping him; even though she knew it was wrong. Even though she knew that the face that she really wanted to slap, was Mycroft's. But she hadn't had the time for his foolishness. She had needed his attention, and she had done what she had to do, to get it. Though, she would try to apologies for it, if she got the chance.

"My name is Dante (Y/l/n), and this is my mother, Doctor (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n). We are here to meet Doctor Watson and Mister Holmes. I solved one of his cases." The seventeen year old announced proudly, as he tried to look beyond the woman; hoping to catch a glimpse of either of the men.

"Well, isn't that wonderful. You should come inside then." The older woman continued, as she opened the door fully, and allowed both the visitors to enter.

"Dante............?" Another voice came. (Y/n) and her son looking up to see Doctor Watson smiling down at them.

"Doc.........Doctor Watson..........." Dante managed to reply. His mother doing her best not to chuckle at him. Sure, that if he could, he would run up the stairs and hug the author of his favourite blogs.

"I see that you have met Misses Hudson, good. Then why don't you and your sister come up and meet Sherlock." The doctor continued, (Y/n) rolling her eyes at the comment, as she made her way up the stairs behind her son.

"Sister? Really?" (Y/n) said, as she got to John, who had opened the door to the flat and let Dante inside.

"You don't have to worry about me slapping Sherlock, or you, Doctor Watson; there is no need to try and sweeten me up." The female doctor explained with an amused snort; (Y/n) making her way inside the flat to find that Dante and his uncle were already getting to know one another.


"They are a lot alike........" John said quietly, he and (Y/n) having sat there and watched the two Holmes for some time. John quite taken aback by how Sherlock was treating the young man. How he seemed to take great delight in showing Dante his latest experiments, the bullet holes in the wall, and the rather revolting contents of the refrigerator. It as if the younger Holmes was quite liking having his nephew around.

"Yes. I could always see a little of Sherlock in him; but it wasn't until now that I saw how much. I think if he could, he would follow in Sherlock's footsteps.............."

"Well, maybe we could have you come again................."

"That is very nice of you, John; and I do appreciate the sentiment. But soon Dante will be staring at Oxford. He has worked too long and too hard to get there, to have his head turned by a Holmes. It isn't that I have anything against Sherlock, it is just that I fear Dante turning into him. Turning into Mycroft. I don't want him to look down on other people, to treat them the way that Sherlock and Mycroft do. I don't want him to think of sentiment, emotions,, as weaknesses. As little more than........chemical imbalances in the brain that you need to fight. That you need to control. I have experienced firsthand what that is like. What loving a Holmes can do to you, and I don't want that continuing down the family line. I know that it may be wrong to think that; to deny Dante a part of himself. But in truth, my son never seemed to be too interested in knowing about a father. We always had each other; we were always there when we needed someone, and that isn't going to change. Dante is my son, and just because Mycroft played a small part in me getting him, it doesn't mean that he deserves to call himself his father............"

"John............" Sherlock interrupted, as he came into the room.

"Perhaps you could show our guest how you come up with your.......whatever it is you do............." The younger Holmes continued. John nodding in agreement; smiling at (Y/n) before getting to his feet and grabbing his laptop. Making his way to the kitchen and hoping that the nephew didn't have a thing for trying to blow things up with chemicals too.

"I have something for you." Sherlock said, as he pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to (Y/n).

"Mycroft gave it to me. I believe that you should read it............" The consulting detective continued. Nodding to the female doctor, before leaving the room to rejoin Dante and John.      

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