Doctor dreamy - Part 10 - Sherlock x John x Reader

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(Y/n) watched, as the man was pushed into the back of the van. Sure enough, she had got her man, wrapping up two cases with one arrest. Luckily, or unluckily, depending on your point of view, she had found the flasher up to his nefarious activities in one of the parks. She and the uniformed officers with her, catching him with his pants down...........literally. And then with an inspection of the man's flat, they had found it to be full of female underwear, the INTERPOL agent sure that he must have been at this for quite a while. Neighbours telling her that he hadn't been quite right since his mother had passed away the year before.

Yet despite her success, all she had been able to think about was her confrontation with Sherlock. She had already realised that he could be incredibly rude. That he didn't seem to care if his words or actions might upset or hurt others. That sticking his nose into other people's business, might just result in him getting a punch to said nose. But it wasn't the fact that he had come to speak with her about something that had absolutely nothing to do with him, that had really annoyed her; no, it was the way that she felt he had talked down to her, that truly irked.

She knew that Mycroft was guilty of the same thing too; but at least with the older Holmes, he did seem to appreciate what she had done to get to the position that she had reached. That he had even once said that he didn't consider her to be a goldfish, which was high praise coming from Mycroft. So why she felt so annoyed at Sherlock, when he had only done what his brother did, she could only put down to the fact that this was to do with something more personal.

As she had told him, she really did like John. He really was a lovely guy, a complete cutie and a good soul. A man that she would truly like to spend more time with. And, as she had also told the younger Holmes, she could appreciate his concern for his friend; but neither she, nor John, were children. That, and his mention of her going back to her real job once she was back to good health, had brought back thoughts that she had already been having. Thoughts about whether she should ask to stay at New Scotland Yard, full time; or go back to INTERPOL. Thoughts that she had been having long before John had shown his pretty face. Though meeting the doctor was certainly making things a little more complicated.

Since Mycroft had helped her get this "temporary" position with the police, she had come to quite enjoy it. And despite having to deal with the likes of Anderson and Donovan, Greg and some of the others, had certainly made her feel welcome. In fact, she would say that she had come to see the detective inspector as a friend; a man that she truly respected. So, would giving up on going back to her old life be so bad? Certainly not if John would like to find a place in her new life..............."

"Ma'am................" A voice came. (Y/n) turning to see one of the uniformed boys looking at her.

"Sorry, Peterson. Take him in, and I'll follow you................" (Y/n) replied. The blonde man nodding, before heading back to the front of the van. The agent shaking the thoughts of Sherlock and John from her mind, as she got into her car.


"YOU DID WHAT.........?!" John exclaimed in complete and utter disbelief, as Sherlock sat in his chair and drank tea.

John had risen to find that Sherlock was nowhere to be seen; the doctor having shrugged it off until his flat mate had arrived back at their home and told him where he had been. John thinking that the consulting detective had gone to speak with Greg, until Sherlock had mentioned (Y/n).

"I spoke to your date for last evening................"

"And why would you do that.................?"

"I wanted to find out what her intentions were................."

"In..........intentions..........? What her intentions were.......?" John enquired. Sherlock's last statement only further exacerbating the doctor.

"Yes.........I wished to know what her intentions were as far as you were concerned. What she intended to do when she was back to full health.........."

"I cannot believe you, Sherlock..............."

"What is there to not to believe? I was merely enquiring as to whether she had any intentions of hurting you................."

"Jesus Christ, Sherlock. I actually finally find someone that I like, and what do you do...........? You go to where she works and ask her what her intentions are. We go out on one half date, and you lose your mind............" John interrupted, as he grabbed his coat and made his way over to the door.

"Where are you going..............?" Sherlock asked, as the doctor threw open the ingress.

"Far away from you. And I swear that if you have ruined this for me, I will not forget it..............." John told him, before slamming the door behind him.


John made his way to the house that he had dropped (Y/n) off at the night before. He hadn't been back to the flat all day, that's how annoyed he still was at Sherlock. John just hoping that the INTERPOL agent didn't think that he had had anything to do with what the younger Holmes had done. The doctor making sure that the large bouquet in his hands, still looked at his best, before he knocked on the front door.

"Hel...........oh.........." John heard a voice say. The doctor lowering the large bunch of flowers so that he could better see (Y/n).

"Hi.......these are for you............" He said, as he handed over the blooms.

"I'm sorry about what Sherlock did. It had nothing to do with me.........."

"I never thought for one minute that it did, John. Now, come in. The moules mariniere will be ready in about five minutes........." (Y/n) told him, as she took his hand, and pulled him gently into the house.

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