By any other name - Part 14 - Mycroft x Reader

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"Would you like a drink......?" Mycroft continued, as he slowly got up from his chair, and made his way over to a small table upon which sat some bottles and glasses.

"I wouldn't normally, but given the circumstances, yes. And make it a large one would you.............." (Y/n) replied. Letting out a heavy breath as she moved back in the chair. Focusing on her hands, that rested in her lap.

"How did you find me.............?" The older Holmes continued, as he made his way over to her, and passed her a tumbler that he had half filled with a fine single malt whisky, before retaking his seat.

"I spoke to Sherlock; he told me how to find you. Though how I managed to get here, is a very different matter. I can't believe that I was able to make my way to your office, without being stopped once by security or police. I mean really.......I could have been the next Guy Fawkes..........." (Y/n) explained, before taking a drink. Not sure that trying to lighten the mood, was the best thing to do. But it felt better than the idea of the two of them just sitting across from one another.

"I..........I got your letter, Mycroft." The female doctor continued, as she finally looked up at the man on the other side of the table.

"Sherlock gave it to me the day that Dante and I went to Baker Street. But I'm sure that you already know that. I am sure that you went to see your brother..........." She continued. Sighing, as Mycroft remained quiet. His own eyes now focused on the liquor in his glass.

"I would have come to find you that we could talk about what you wrote; but I wanted to make sure that Dante was settled in at Oxford, before I came to see you............." (Y/n) explained, as she slowly reached into her pocket, and took something into her hand. Bringing it out, and placing it on the desk, before pushing it forwards until she knew that it was in the older Holmes line of sight.

"Why did you keep this, Mycroft? You aren't one for, why keep the ring I left on your pillow, over seventeen years ago? Why are you still wearing the ring I gave you..............?

"I.............." Mycroft began, as he took his eyes from the ring that (Y/n) had just placed on his desk. From the ring that still look pride of place on his finger.

She was right of course; he, nor any of his family were known for being prone to acts of sentimentality. Yet as (Y/n) had said, he had kept her ring.........he still wore his own. But why..........? The answer seemingly obvious to anyone............he still loved her. Even after all these years, she still held his heart, even if she didn't know it, or care. Mycroft realising that he had never removed his ring, because it kept her with him. So, it didn't feel that he had been foolish enough to let her go without even noticing.

"I placed yours in a box and forgot about it, until I found it the other day. And I never notice that I am wearing mine.............."

"Oh, please, Mycroft. You can do so much better than that. In fact, I find that answer really quite insulting. I used to know you better than anyone; I used to share your bed, for god sake. And even though it has been a number of years since we were together, I still know that that is bullshit. So, you either tell me the truth, or I will leave here now, and you will never get to see me, or Dante again. And you can take your money, your will, and give it all to the Battersea dogs home for all I care...........So.............?" (Y/n) interrupted, as she got to her feet, and stared at the older Homes. Her arms crossed firmly over her chest, as she waited for a reply.

"Nothing...........? Really..........? Then, goodbye, Mycroft............" The doctor continued, after giving the older Holmes a moment to reply. (Y/n) turning and making her way to the door. Just hoping that she would be able to get out, as easy as she got in.

"Wait............please..............." (Y/n) turning at the sound of Mycroft's voice. It obvious from the look in his eyes, that he was having some strange internal battle. His logical brain, fighting with the feelings, emotions, that he usually did so well to control. The older Holmes slowly coming out from behind his big desk and making his way over to her. The doctor looking up, as he stopped in front of her. Mycroft leaning down and kissing her on the cheek, before resting his forehead against hers.

"Oh, Mycroft. Why couldn't you have just listened to me all those years ago. Why couldn't you have just lifted your head from your work for a moment and heard what I had to tell you, Things could have been so very different..................." She told him, reaching up her hand and placing it carefully on his cheek.

"I could listen now.................."

"Is that a Mycroft way of asking me to please stay so that we can talk like adults............and you'll get me a top up of that drink.........?"

"Yes, I believe that it is..............."

"Well then, when you put it like that.............." (Y/n) replied. Tapping him softly on the cheek, before making her way back to the chair.

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