By any other name - Part 13 - Mycroft x Reader

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(Y/n) sat in the car, contemplating her next move. She knew that perhaps she should have come to see Mycroft sooner. Probably straight after she and Dante had been to see Sherlock and Doctor Watson. But she had wanted to make sure that her son was settled into university life, before she dealt with this. That, and it had given her some time to think. Some time to think about what she should say. Yet now that she was back in London, all that had completely gone out of the window; and she just felt lost.

A little part of her wanted to throw all this back in his face. She wanted to tell him that neither she, nor Dante needed his money. And anyway, it was a little too late to try and make recompense for not having been there for seventeen years. For ignoring her, and leaving her to bring up their son, all alone. But she knew that to write the letter that he had; to express his feelings in words, would not necessarily have been the easiest thing for the older Holmes. Therefore, she could only believe that he had meant everything that he had written. And although she would have preferred that Mycroft had been in her life, had been in her son's life. Even though she would have preferred to have had a husband by her side, and Dante a father; she had to suppose that given the fact that Mycroft had never been very good at expressing or showing his feelings too much, this was the only thing that he could think of doing.

Slowly, she unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed out of the car. The capital was as busy as it always was, a bustling throng of locals and visitors. She just one of the many ants, that were going about their day. In all honestly, she had had to call and ask Sherlock, where she would be able to find Mycroft. She knew that it would be somewhere in or around Westminster; but where exactly, was anyone's guess. The younger Holmes even offering to contact his brother and let him know that she was coming, so that he could meet her; but she had thanked him, before turning down the offer. Telling the consulting detective that she wasn't even sure that she would see him. But here she was, making her way to the Palace of Westminster; ready to pay for a tour of the seat of the British government, in hopes that she would be able to sneak off at some point, and try and find the older Holmes.


Mycroft looked out of his office window. The scene before him was really quite pleasant; the sun in the capital was shining, and all should be right with the world. There were after all, no real pressing issues that he had to deal with. No looming catastrophise that he had to nip in the bud. No international incidents that called for his attention. So, in theory, he should be able to sit back and relax; but that really wasn't Mycroft. That, and he had been thinking about (Y/n) and his son, since the day that he had left his letter with Sherlock.

He had been to Baker Street the day after the mother and son had paid their visit. Mycroft of course using some pretense for his impromptu visit; but in all honesty, he knew that he was fooling no one.......not even Doctor Watson. The older Holmes doing his best to keep his usual cool and calm façade, as he had listened to John talk about (Y/n) and Dante. The doctor saying that the young man was a credit to his mother. Sherlock promising him, that he had given the female doctor the letter that he had left with him. That she had been found crying after reading it. Yet whether that was a good or bad sign, Mycroft wasn't sure; (Y/n) always having been quite difficult to deduce. Though he had to admit that he had expected something from her. Even if it was just to tell him that they didn't want his money. The older Holmes letting out a heavy sigh, before returning to his desk; sure, that he could find something to preoccupy his mind.


(Y/n) looked around, making sure not only was the coast clear; but also, that the tour guide was far too busy with the spiel that she had probably given a million times, to notice that one of her group, was missing. The doctor quietly inching her way to one of the corridors that was not part of the tour. Letting out a breath, as no one stopped her, and she was able to go about following the instructions Sherlock had given her, regarding the location of his brother's office.

She still didn't know what she was going to say. She wasn't sure what Mycroft would say to her, if anything, when she turned up unannounced. But she was here now, it feeling too late to turn back. That, and she had to find the older Holmes, so that she didn't have to try and explain what she was doing walking the corridors of power. (Y/n) not really relishing the notion of being escorted out of the Houses of Parliament, and charged with goodness knows what, by the constabulary. The doctor still finding it a little hard to believe that she had gotten this far, given all the security that she had seen.

One last corner, and she was there, stood in front of the large oak door. Her brain still wondering whether she should do this, as her body made its way through the ingress. (Y/n) doing her best to look as though she belonged, as a woman turned to look at her.

"Can I help you......................?"

"Yes...........I am here to see Mister Mycroft Holmes.........."

"Do you have an appointment..........?" She continued, as the assistant looked at the screen of her computer.

" But it is very important that I see him............."

"Mister Holmes doesn't see anyone without an appointment. He is far too busy............"

"Look, I appreciate what you are doing. But believe me, he will want to see me. All you have to do is tell him that (Y/n) is here to speak with him.............."

"I am afraid that I can't do that...................."

"Fine! Then I will do it myself." (Y/n) interrupted, before quickly making her way to the door behind which she hoped to find Mycroft. The eyes of the man that she had come to see, widening, as she burst into his office. The two looking at one another for a moment.

"I am sorry, Mister Holmes. I did try to stop her. I'll get security.........." The assistant said, before she turned to make her way to the outer office door.

"No. That will not be necessary. This lady and I have an important appointment. You can leave us now................" Mycroft interjected. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from giving the woman a smug smile, before closing the door on her.

"Hello Mycroft.............."

"(Y/n). Please, take a seat................."  

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