By any other name - Part 5 - John x Reader

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(Y/n) checked the map on her phone. The GPS telling her to turn left down the next street. It had been so long since she had walked the streets of London. Her last trip into the capital with Dante, the first she had had for nearly twenty years. And many things had changed. Changed more than she had realised. (Y/n) sure that despite the electronic map guiding her, she had been lost more than once as she tried to find the address.

She knew that she probably shouldn't be there. She had debated long and hard as to whether she should come and speak with him. Not sure that it was a good idea. But here she was. After dropping Dante off in Oxford for the day so that he could make his way to the university. Her she was. The signpost for Baker Street appearing on the top of the black, ornate post at the end of the street.

Despite the fact that Sherlock was a little........well......a lot different when she had known him, she had quite liked him. (Y/n) putting it down to her just having a strange understanding of the Holmes mind. Yet that was then, and this was now. The doctor not sure, despite all that she had seen and read about the younger Holmes thanks to Dante, whether Sherlock would be anything like he had been. Would like the fact that she was just turning up on his doorstep. But, given that she was sure that this Doctor Watson had been manipulated by Mycroft, (Y/n) doubted that that Sherlock had escaped his brother's machinations.

Slowly, she made her way down the street. Her heart beginning to beat quicker, as the numbers on the doors got higher. She could of course turn around and just go back to her car. She could just forget all about this and make her way back to Oxford to wait for her son. But she hoped to be able to speak with Sherlock. To reason with him. To perhaps get him to tell Mycroft that he should just let her, and Dante be. Though she doubted that that would work. (Y/n) well aware that once the older Holmes had got a bee in his bonnet about something, it was hard to distract him.

Suddenly, there it was. 221B Baker Street. (Y/n) taking a deep breath and doing her best to settle her nerves, as she made her way up to the black door. Her hand shaking slightly, as she tentatively knocked.

"Yes?" An older woman asked, as the door slowly opened. (Y/n) giving her a soft smile.

"Um...........I was.........I was hoping that I would be able to speak with Mister Sherlock Holmes. Its quite important............."

"Oh, I think that he might already be working on a case..........."

"No, no. This is nothing about a case. I'm........I'm an old friend, sort of. If you could just tell him that (Y/n) would like to see him, I would really appreciate it, ma'am." (Y/n) interrupted. The older woman nodding her head, as she saw the anxious look on her face.

"Why don't you come in dear? I'll go and tell him that you're here." The woman continued, as she opened the door fully, allowing (Y/n) to make her way in the building. The doctor doing her best to again steady her nerves, as she waited for the younger Holmes to appear.


John looked up, as he heard a knock at the door. The doctor saving his work before closing his laptop and getting to his feet. John smiling as he opened the ingress to find Misses Hudson.

"Oh, Misses Hudson. Is everything alright?" John enquired cheerily.

"There is a visitor that would like to see Sherlock. She's waiting downstairs. She claims to be an old friend called (Y/n)." The landlady explained.

"Oh, Sherlock's actually..........wait did you say (Y/n)? Did she say what she wanted?" John asked, as he slowly made his way out of the flat and quietly closed the door behind him.

"Just that she wanted to speak to Sherlock. That it was important." Misses Hudson explained, as she and John made their way down the stairs. The doctor a little taken aback as he saw the woman that was waiting.

"(Y/n)? Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name is John, John Watson. We weren't expecting to see you and your son until next week.........." John began, as he held out his hand for the quiet beautiful woman to shake.

"Oh, you're Doctor Watson. Its very nice to meet you. son has told me so much about you. And I know that we aren't supposed to be here until next week. I'm actually here on my own. I was hoping to be able to speak with Sherlock before Dante got here. It is important." (Y/n) replied. Watching as the man in front of her looked between her and the flight of stairs.

"I'm afraid............."

"Please doctor..........I know that this competition of yours has something to do with Mycroft. That he somehow persuaded you to do all this so that he could see my son again. I don't know how he did it, and I really don't care, because there is nothing that I can do about it now. Dante would be heartbroken if he didn't get the chance to meet both yourself and Sherlock. I think that he sees him as some sort of hero thanks to your blogs. All I want to do is talk to him......." (Y/n) pleaded, as she squeezed the doctor's hand. John suddenly feeling terribly guilty. Suddenly feeling that he was to blame for the anxious look in her eyes.

"Okay. Sherlock's.........well, he's sort of.........busy at the moment. But you can come up to the flat and wait for him if you'd like. Perhaps I can make you some tea." John agreed, as he gestured for (Y/n) to follow him up the stairs. The two doctors making their way up to the second floor and then through the door.

"Why don't you take a seat. I'll go and make us some tea, and then I'll see if I can get Sherlock to come out." John told her. (Y/n) nodding in agreement before she took a seat. Watching as he made his way out of the room, leaving (Y/n) to hope beyond hope, that despite her fears, Sherlock would be able to somehow persuade his brother to forget all about her and Dante. 

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