The wrong one - Part 15 - Jim x Reader

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"What?" Jim asked matter of factly, as he looked across the table at the female detective. Her eyes had been on him since she had come back from the bathroom in the clothes that he had brough her.

"What do you mean......what?" (Y/n) replied, as she dropped her fork onto the plate.

"You can't just ask me what, like this is a normal situation. Like we have breakfast like this every morning. You know I know that you are up to something. I can't imagine a time when you aren't up to something. I bet even in your dreams, there are evil machinations going on in that brain of yours, that would put every Shakesperean villain, to shame. Don't think that just because you aren't wearing a nifty Westwood this morning; that you aren't holding me by the throat and telling me that you are going to punish me for denying you, I am going to let my guard down. Suit, or pants and T-shirt, you are still you. You still had me kidnapped; you are still holding me against my will. So, you really shouldn't be surprised that I am watching you, studying you; trying to figure you out. Sherlock Holmes isn't the only one that can see the darkest parts of people, you know. Not the only one that can understand human behaviour and the language we speak without saying a word. I mean, I'm not normally one to blow my own trumpet, but I was able to do my job, before he came on the scene. I have been able to solve things, without the intervention of the great consulting detective." She continued, throwing her napkin onto the table.

"I do not doubt that for a moment, detective. I have seen your arrest record; it is quite impressive. And you are right; Sherlock isn't the only one that can read people. In fact, I think I can already read you, quite well.........."

"Is that so............?"

"It is.......I think all this is because you are just disappointed that I don't have you by the throat. I think you wanted me to come in here and punish you............." Jim smiled, as he leant across the table. The younger Lestrade letting out a laugh, before also leaning in. Her eyes locked on his.

"It must be exhausting flip flopping between murderous psycho and whatever delusional persona this is supposed to be. You may very well be an intelligent man, but you have absolutely no idea about who or what I am. And if I did want a man to punish me, that man would most certainly not be you." (Y/n) quipped. Fighting the urge to jump backward, as Moriarty suddenly placed his hand on her cheek. His thumb gently caressing her cheekbone, before his fingertips slowly made their way down her neck, and across her throat.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." A smug smile coming to Jim's lips, as he saw her swallow heavily, as her pupils dilated until the point where her eyes appeared almost completely black.

"No one has to know; if that is what you are worried about. Not your brother, not Sherlock. It is wrong to deny yourself the things that you want. I never do. And if there is one man that can punish you as you need to be, it is me. Just imagine it, the perfect mix of pleasure and pain. Wouldn't you like that.........?"

"Wow. Talk about an ego............" The female detective interrupted, as she moved backward in her chair, leaving Moriarty's hand hanging in midair.

"If that head of yours gets any bigger, they'll have to grease it up to get you through the door. I mean, I have met narcissists before, but you take it to a whole new level. So much so, that I have to admit that I am impressed." She added, crossing her arms over her chest; again, the pair just staring at one another, before her captor slowly brought down his hand and then stood up, placing all the plates and cups back on the tray.

"I will see you for lunch............." Jim merely replied, as he picked up the tray and made his way to the door. The consulting criminal knocking twice, before the door was opened for him.

"Looking forward to it. Toodles.........." (Y/n) smiled, waving a goodbye before letting out a heavy sigh, as the door closed behind him.

She would never say that she was the kind of girl to just jump into bed with any man that came along; less one that had drugged and kidnapped her. But she had to admit that it was getting harder and harder to deny that the thought of being held down to the bed while that homicidal son of a bitch did very wicked things to her, was not becoming more and more appealing. The detective cursing at God for seemingly making all the crazy ones, so attractive. For giving them dark eyes that you could drown in; and hair that you just wanted to lose your fingers in, as they moved down your body; as they placed their lips, their tongue to your..................

"Will you pull yourself together." (Y/n) shouted herself, as she abruptly got up from the table.

"The man is a walking red flag. And you know if you did actually fall for that spiel about Greg and Sherlock not having to know, then you are an idiot......." She continued to chastise, as she made her way over to the bed, falling onto it and staring up at the ceiling.

"He wants Sherlock to find you, and so, he will have left clues. He is playing a game; you are just apiece in that game. A pawn that he will sacrifice if he has to, to win. Though I swear that when they do finally find me, I am gonna punch both of them for taking so long. Either that or kiss them." (Y/n) continued, before rolling over on the mattress and grabbing one of the pillows, pulling it too her, knowing that she couldn't do much else but what for lunch, and what Moriarty would do next. 

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