The Knave of Hearts - Part 4 - Sherlock x John x Reader

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Sherlock watched the man; the rather unsavoury character's eyes lingering on the lady's form as the door slowly closed. It was obvious that something had transpired between the two that had not pleased Lady Royston. Obvious to the detective that he had at least once, got a little closer to the young woman than she had liked. Sherlock presuming that the lady had not said anything to her father, as this man, Caine, had been in the Lord's employ for some time and was trusted. Though, as the man finally turned his gaze from the door, Sherlock determined that after he had thwarted the Knave, he would make it his business to have this scoundrel dismissed.

"Now, gentlemen.............." The lord began, as he puffed on his cigar.

"I would like to introduce you to my head of security, Joshua Caine. Caine, may I present Mister Holmes and Doctor Watson." The older man continued. Caine wiping his nose on the back of his sleeve before rubbing his palm on his pants so that he could offer John his hand. The doctor smiling and greeting the man cordially, as Sherlock would expect when it came to old soldiers.

"Mister Caine...........His lordship tells us you were in the Queens guards.........." John commented, as he finally let go of the man's hand.

"Aye. I was a sergeant, served for fifteen years." Caine replied simply, not allowing John to continue the conversation, as he turned to Sherlock. The detective eye's not leaving the man for even a moment. The younger Holmes ignoring the man's hand, as he offered it to him. Caine slowly lowering it to his side.

Sherlock could read this man as if he were reading a book; and it was a book that he knew that he didn't like. From the sound of his accent, this Caine was from the county areas of England, most likely Dorset. Brought up in the countryside, he saw himself as perfectly suited to the job he held in his lordship's household, especially as his father and he had been poachers before he had joined the Guards. That rough and tough lifestyle having followed him into his service and beyond. Sherlock surprised that he had managed to keep his rank of sargent, given the number of fights that he had been involved in over the years. The scars that littered the areas around his lips, cheeks and eye sockets indicating that some of the time he had come off second best. His current bruised and bloodied knuckles also telling Holmes that this Caine's couldn't hold his ale; and that his last visit to the local inn had ended with yet another fight.

The tattoos that snook out from under his shirt cuff, indicated that Caine had spent time in India, probably around the Bengal area given the design. And the smell of the tobacco that surrounded the head of security, proved that he had also spent time in Afghanistan. Sherlock sure that he had been lucky to keep his nefarious activities in those places secret from his superiors. Lucky to keep getting away with whatever else he was getting up to within the grounds of Royston Hall. The consulting detective sure that Caine had gone back to his old ways, and if he were to venture to the nearest butcher's shop, he might just be able to acquire some fresh venison and pheasants.

"As I explained to you Caine, Mister Holmes and Doctor Watson are here to look over the security measures for this weekend's celebrations............"

"Milord, I explained that me and my men had everythin in order. Her ladyship and her guests couldn't be in safer hands................" Caine began, scowling at Sherlock as he let out an unamused snort.

"Yes, yes, I am sure. But these gentlemen are here for another reason too. Therefore, I would appreciate it is you would show them the grounds. Give them an idea of all the preparations you have made............." Lord Royston interjected. It obvious that Caine wasn't too pleased about any of this, as he simply nodded in reply.

"Well, that is settled. Now, gentlemen.........once you have finished outside, I will have Willum show you to your rooms. Dinner will be at seven.........." The lord added, shaking Sherlock and John's hands once again, before Caine reluctantly gestured for them to follow him.



"What.............?" (Y/n) asked, as she turned to look at Bess. The two women enjoying the ride to the village in the open topped carriage.

The lady was glad of the air and the sunshine. Since she had returned to her father's home, she had felt a little like a prisoner. (Y/n) knew that he was only doing it to protect her. That given what she had been through, it was only right that he would keep her close. But she needed to be able to live. To be able to get out into the world. Yet at the moment, short trips to the village with Bess by her side, was all that her father would allow. Though given that Caine was an ever present, and his being around the hall was like leaving the fox in charge of the hen house, (Y/n) had to think that all these precautions were a little ridiculous.

"Handsome.........that doctor and Mister Holmes............" Bess explained. (Y/n) chuckling as her old friend blushed a little at her comment.

"Yes........yes you are right.............."

"I liked the doctor the most. He had quite the stylish moustache and kind eyes." Bess continued. Feeling slightly bolder now that her friand had agreed with her.

"Yes............he does have kind eyes. And from what Lucy Carmichael told me, he also has a kind nature. Though I must confess, that despite his rudeness towards you, I found Mister Holmes to be quite striking. Quite the most interesting of men. Though I am not sure why he would ask to be my chaperone for the ball at the weekend. Just like his older brother, he appears not to be too interested in matters other than those of the mind. Though you do know what they say, it is always the quiet ones that you have to watch............." (Y/n) said. The two women laughing together, as the carriage continued on its way down the tree covered lane. 

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