Below the surface - Part 4 - Greg x Reader

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Greg signed happily, as (Y/n) wiggled down behind him in the bath and began to rub his shoulders. Her fingers working out all the knots in his muscles. This was the first time that they had done something like this, but the detective promised himself that it would not be the only time. The feel of her body against his, her legs wrapped around him was quite the position, Greg savouring the moment, not wanting to open his eyes just in case all of this stopped. Another sigh leaving his lips, as he felt (Y/n)'s lips press against his neck.

"Okay, how did it go when we were done? I know my guys didn't find anything else around where we found the guy. What did hurricane Holmes think?" (Y/n) enquired, as she placed her chin on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his chest. Chuckling as Greg grumbled slightly.

"Did you have to bring him up and spoil this.............? I really don't want to think about Sherlock when we are like this." The detective replied, (Y/n)'s laughter getting louder, as her grip on him tightened.

"Well, we could talk about Mycroft instead if that's any better............?" Her laughter continuing as Greg turned to look at her. Giving her a look that told her that mentioning the older Holmes would not be any better.

"Okay, okay, no Mycroft. But what happened...............?" The dive officer agreed, before going back to massaging Greg's aching muscles.

"Well...........ow..........oh, just appears that Sherlock agrees with you that the whole pentagram thing on the guys chest was some kind of bluff. But Sherlock being Sherlock thought it had been put there to insult his intelligence............" Greg began, managing to speak between the hums of pleasure that (Y/n) was continuing to elicit from him.

"Wow! I had heard about him, the horror stories when I was at the Yard; but to say that man is a walking ego would be an understatement. Though, it is nice to know that the great consulting detective agrees with me." (Y/n) commented, not sure how she would get on with the younger Holmes if she had to deal with him.

"And John asked about you. Said he would like to meet you............."

"You mean that you have actually told someone about us? I was beginning to get a feeling that I was your dirty little secret.............." (Y/n) retorted jokingly, though as Greg grabbed her hand and turned his head to look at her again, it was obvious that he didn't see it as a joke.

"You aren't a secret, (Y/n). You are the best thing that has ever happened to me................"

"I was joking, Greg.............."

"No, no...............I mean it...........Look, to be honest, I didn't tell John about you..........Sherlock just deduced that there was someone in my life, but that doesn't mean that I didn't want to tell him; it doesn't mean that I don't want to tell everyone about us. I just, I just wanted to wait for the right time, that's all. I don't want anything about us to be rushed, to be less than the best it can be. To be less than perfect. I've made mistakes in my life, lots of mistakes, but you aren't one of them................."

"Hey, hey.............." (Y/n) interrupted, as she wriggled out from behind him, and did her best to straddle Greg's lap. Placing her hands on his cheeks before lowering her forehead to rest on his.

"You........Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade, are also the best thing that has ever come into my life. I don't care if you didn't tell John Watson about me, I don't care that Sherlock had to figure it out. I.............I...........I know that this isn't the best place to say this. That it might not be.........perfect. That given what you went through, you might not be ready to hear this just yet; in fact, you may never be ready to hear this, and that's ok. But...........but I have to say it. I have to say it now before I chicken out, again. I.............I love you Greg. I have thought about this a lot recently, and there is no other way of describing what I feel for you. Hell, from the first moment I met you at that awful conference, I knew that there was something about you. You make me smile every day, Greg. Even the thought of you makes my heart beat just that little faster. I admit that I would very much like to be with you for the rest of my life. That all of this, me spending the night, was what we did every night. But if this.........what we have now is all that you can give me, then I will take it. Because, as I said, I love you, Greg..............." (Y/n) told him, as she slowly moved backwards so that she could look at him properly. So that she could see his reaction to what she had just said.

Greg sat there, looking up at the beautiful naked woman that sat atop him. He was, to put no to fine a point on it...........gobsmacked. In a few sentences, (Y/n) had expressed more love for him than his ex-wife had shown him throughout their entire marriage. She had expressed all that he had wanted to say and more. And perhaps.........perhaps this wasn't the perfect place. Perhaps this would be something that they alone would only ever share between them. That if they were ever asked about the moment that they told one another that they were in love, they would only be able to laugh. But, life was too short to waste any more time than he already had. He loved her, and that was what was important. And in truth, this time, this moment was probably as perfect as it could possibly be. Just him and her; the two together in this sweet embrace. The rest of the world, the case that he was dealing with. The headaches of Sherlock, Mycroft, Anderson and Donovan, not mattering at all as she smiled at him. The words that he had been waiting to say; the words and feelings that had been bubbling below the surface, finally leaving his lips.

"I love you too, (Y/n)......................" 

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