Doctor dreamy - Part 8 - John x Sherlock x Reader

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"John!" A voice came, along with a knock. The doctor smiling and shaking his head. John looking at his watch, sure that it had been a whole of two minutes since he had closed the door.

"John!" Sherlock called out again; his voice accompanied with yet another, more vigorous knock. The doctor happy to make the consulting detective wait just a little longer; John slowly removing his shirt and replacing it with a T-shirt, before making his way over to the door and opening it.

"Yes............?" Jon asked matter of factly, as he opened the door, and leaned against it. A soft smile gracing his features.

"You're late...............!"

"Late for what, Sherlock..............?"

"Late for not coming home early............" Sherlock replied. The answer making John laugh.

"You should have been home hours ago. You should have been back here after realising that that odious creature that you were meeting, was not your kind of thing. You weren't here when I needed you, I had to get my own.............."

"Well, I am terribly sorry to disappoint you Sherlock; but I do have a life outside of you, you know. And I am afraid that you will be having to get your own whatevers again tonight.............."

"You're going out again? Tonight................?"

"Isn't that what I just said? Yes, Sherlock, I am going out again.......tonight......"

"But not with that awful Sofia, you were out with someone else...........!" Sherlock announced, before pushing past the doctor and making his way into John's room. The younger Holmes picking up the shirt that his friend had been wearing all night and examining it closely. John deciding that he would let the younger Holmes have his moment, as he took a seat on the corner of his bed.

"You have been playing pool. Last time I checked, Guido's did not have pool tables...............nor can I imagine the woman that you went to see, doing such things. So, you were definitely with someone else..........." Sherlock began as he found a dusting of blue pool chalk on the cuff of the shirt. The consulting detective flicking at it with his finger. The tiny particles drifting up into the air.

"Nor does Guido serve real ale. I believe that Antonio would have a fit if someone even were to ask for it. You should really be more careful John, letting the hem of your cuff dip into your drink. Sloppiness is not something I believe impresses a woman." The younger Holmes continued, as he looked at the slight brown stain on the very turn of the cuff. The detective bringing it up to his nose and sniffing at it.

"And this particular brew is called the 'Pilgrims Rest', brewed since medieval times for those that were making their way to Canterbury Cathedral to see the shrine of Thomas Becket. The ale still served in only a very few places, one being a pub by the same name as the ale. The establishment little more than a stone's throw away from Mayfair." Sherlock added. The corners of his lips twitching, as another smell suddenly hit him. It was a smell that he had detected once before, and made the whole thing fall into place.

"You met Grant's new little helper! That is who you have been out with until this hour." The younger Holmes declared triumphantly, as he turned to look at his friend. John just rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

"You were both at Guido's. Agent (Y/l/n) was on a date too; a date that was obviously as ill advised as your own. You were too much of a gentleman to leave that woman you were with, so it took her to say that you should both make your excuses so that you could escape. She then took you to the Pilgrim's Rest, where she beat you resoundingly at pool; and probably darts too." Sherlock explained, as he placed John's shirt over the back of the chair.

"Fine.............." John sighed, crossing his arms as he looked at a smug Sherlock.

"You were right about Sofia, the only thing that she was interested in was her next round of plastic surgery. And yes............(Y/n) was at Guido's, and her date was going as badly as mine. We both made our excuses and got out of there................"

"And she beat you at pool....................?"

"Resoundingly...........and at darts. She said it was a misspent youth." John replied with a chuckle. A broad smile spreading across his lips, as the doctor thought back to the evening. Thought back to the wonderful evening that he had had with the INTERPOL agent. About how he had asked her if she really would like to go out again; (Y/n) inviting him to come to her place the next evening, so that she could cook him something for dinner.

"And you agreed to go out again with a woman that freely admits to such a thing...............?"

"Yes Sherlock. Most normal people will have done things in their youth, smoking behind the bike sheds, spending time in pubs when they were too young to actually be there; and just because she can beat me at pool and darts, it doesn't mean that I am not going to see her again. You yourself even said that (Y/n) and I were better suited; that I should have asked her out tonight instead of Sofia. So, you should be happy, you were right all along. Now, if you don't mind, I would very much like to get some sleep." John explained, as he got up from the bed and took Sherlock by the arm, pulling him towards the door and then pushing him through it.

"Good night, again, Sherlock." The doctor added, before closing the door. Sherlock smiling to himself, before making his way to his own room. Sure, that a visit to New Scotland Yard was called for, in the morning. 

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