Doctor dreamy - Part 12 - John x Greg x Reader

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John made his way down the road. He was sure that the streets were cleaner, that the sky was bluer, and the sun brighter. He was sure that the flowers smelt sweeter, that the bees were buzzing a tune, and that the birds were joining in. It had been so long since he had felt this good; so long since he had felt wanted, and he owed all these wonderful feelings to one person........(Y/n). Although maybe he should thank Sherlock too. John having to wonder if he hadn't been angry at the consulting detective; if he hadn't left the flat because he feared that he just might punch the younger Holmes in the nose, whether the beautiful agent would have asked him to stay the night. But whatever the case, she had, and John couldn't be happier about it. The doctor still sure that he could smell her on him. That he could still feel her legs wrapped around his waist, and the sounds that she made, still in his ear. The mere thought of the night they had spent together, bringing a broad smile to his face and heat to the pit of his belly. A cheery whistle coming from between his lips, as he thought about getting to see her again.

Before (Y/n) had had to leave the house to get to the Yard for work, they had organised to meet the next day. The agent informing him that she had the whole day off, and they could spend it together, if he so wished; John not about to say no. The doctor more than happy to see her again; to see her every chance that he got. The pair already having promised one another that the previous night's activities, were not just a one off. That they both wanted more........much more. Her exit from the house, coming with a tender kiss to his lips.

Crossing over the road, John couldn't help but laugh to himself, as the thoughts of what Sherlock would deduce when his finally got back to the flat, filled his mind. The doctor putting off the inevitable and choosing to walk back to Baker Street, rather than try and get a cab; after all, it was turning out to be a wonderful day in the capital. Though even if it had been raining, John had a feeling that today, he would still think that it was a wonderful day.


(Y/n) quickly made her way into the Yard, smiling broadly at the uniformed officers, as she made her way through the corridors. She knew that she must look a little goofy, but she didn't care. She was happy; John Watson had made her happy........very happy. It being a very long time since she had been able to spend time like that with a man. To feel as though she was wanted; and John had certainly made her feel wanted. The way that he had looked at her, what he had said to her as they made love, something that had reminded her of what she was missing out on in her life. Proving to her, that she had a little hole in her life, and that John Watson would fit it perfectly.

She was sure that she could still smell him on her flesh. That she could still feel him around her, inside her. That she could still hear his moans and groans. The thought that she would get to see him again the next day; that they would be able to spend the whole day.......and hopefully the whole night together too, making a soft blush come to her cheeks.

"What are you smiling about.............?" Donovan asked abruptly, as (Y/n) finally pushed her way into the office space.

"The fact that I woke up and found that I wasn't you, Donovan............." (Y/n) retorted with a smile, as she placed her large coffee cup on the desk and took a seat. The agent chuckling to herself, as the female detective just glared at her.

"You know, its not normal to be smiling at this time in the morning.......unless..........." Anderson began, as he came to sit on the corner of (Y/n)'s desk.

"What's the lucky guys name..............?" He continued quietly, as he moved a little closer to the agent.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Anderson. And if you don't move your arse off my desk, you just might find that I will have to kick it for you..........."

"Oh, come on (Y/n), I'm sure that even you could find yourself a man in London.................."

"Well, if I have, it would be one that wasn't already taken by another woman......Anderson.............Not that you and Donovan would know anything about that........." (Y/n) interpreted, as she got to her feet, and stood face to face with the man.

"(Y/n) office...........!" A voice called out. The agent and Anderson turning to see Greg stood in the doorway to his office.

"Saved by the boss..........." Anderson whispered, as the agent made her way passed him.

"The only one that was saved, was you. But any time you want to step outside and go one on one, Anderson; just let me know................" (Y/n) retorted. The smile returning to her face, as she made her way into the detective inspector's room.


"What are you smiling about.........?" Greg asked, as he took his seat.

"Don't you start. When did it become illegal to wake up happy........?" The agent queried, as took a seat in the chair on the other side of the desk.


"Sorry Greg. It's not you, as soon as I walked in, Donovan asked me the same question; but in the way that only Donovan can. Anyone would think that I never smiled before.............."

"What's his name...............?"

"Greg Lestrade! You know, a women can smile without it having anything to do with a man......"

"That's true, but we can help..........." The inspector retorted. The pair looking at one another, before they both began to laugh.

"That's also true..........." The agent finally replied. Shaking her head at the man across from her.

"So...............might this thing that's made you smile, mean that you won't be leaving us when you're fit?" Greg enquired hopefully, as he leaned across the desk. The inspector asking her the question that had been nagging at him for some time.

"I think it just might.........boss........."  

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